Page 32 - WAD Beyond Global May 2021
P. 32

              Many achievements using AI techniques surpass human   Today, AI applications affect almost all fields of activity –
              capabilities – in 1997, a computer programme defeated the   particularly in the industry, banking, insurance, health and
              reigning world chess champion, and more recently, in 2016,   defence  sectors.  Several  routine  tasks are  now automated,
              other computer programmes have beaten the world’s best   transforming many trades and eventually eliminating some.
              Go [an ancient Chinese board game] players and some top
              poker  players.  Computers  are  proving,  or  helping  to  prove,   What are the ethical risks?
              mathematical theorems; knowledge is being automatically   With AI, most dimensions of intelligence – except perhaps humour
         FEATURE  techniques.                                     faculties in most fields, raising fears of ethical risks. These risks
                                                                  – are subject to rational analysis and reconstruction, using
              constructed from huge masses of data, in terabytes (1012
                                                                  computers.  Moreover,  machines  are  exceeding  our  cognitive
              bytes), or even petabytes (1015 bytes), using machine learning
                                                                  fall into three categories – the scarcity of work, because it can be
                                                                  carried out by machines instead of humans; the consequences
              As a result, machines can recognize speech and transcribe it –
                                                                  for the autonomy of the individual, particularly in terms of
              just like typists did in the past. Computers can accurately identify
              faces or fingerprints from among tens of millions, or understand
                                                                  would be replaced by more “intelligent” machines. However, if
              texts written in natural languages. Using machine learning   freedom and security; and the overtaking of humanity, which
              techniques, cars drive themselves; machines are better than   we examine the reality, we see that work (done by humans) is
              dermatologists at diagnosing melanomas using photographs of   not disappearing – quite the contrary – but it is changing and
              skin moles taken with mobile phone cameras; robots are fighting   calling for new skills. Similarly, an individual’s autonomy and
              wars instead of humans (see p. 25-28); and factory production   freedom are not inevitably undermined by the development of
              lines are becoming increasingly automated.          AI – so long as we remain vigilant in the face of technological
                                                                  intrusions into our private lives.
              Scientists are also using AI techniques to determine the function
              of certain biological macromolecules, especially proteins   Finally, contrary to what some people claim, machines pose
              and genomes, from the sequences of their constituents –   no existential threat to humanity. Their autonomy is purely
              amino acids for proteins, bases for genomes. More generally,   technological, in that it corresponds only to material chains
              all the sciences are undergoing a major epistemological   of  causality  that go  from  the  taking  of information  to
              rupture with in silico experiments – named so because they   decision-making. On the other hand, machines have no moral
              are carried out by computers from massive quantities of data,   autonomy, because even if they do confuse and mislead us in
              using powerful processors whose cores are made of silicon. In   the process of making decisions, they do not have a will of their
              this way, they differ from in vivo experiments, performed on   own and remain subjugated to the objectives that we have
              living matter, and above all, from in vitro experiments, carried   assigned to them.
              out in glass test-tubes.

                                                                                          Simulation of electrical activity
                                                                                          in a microcircuit of virtual
                                                                                          neurons of a rat (2015), by the
                                                                                          Blue Brain Project (BBP) team,
                                                                                          part of Europe’s Human Brain
                                                                                          Project (HBP). According to
                                                                                          scientists, it is a step towards
                                                                                          simulating the functioning of
                                                                                          the human brain.

                               This article appeared in the   Writer:
                           July-September 2018 Issue of the   French computer scientist  Jean-Gabriel Ganascia is a professor at Sorbonne
                          UNESCO Courier which while it was   University, Paris. He is also a researcher at LIP6, the computer science laboratory
                           published in 2018, the question of   at the Sorbonne, a fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence,
                         AI Ethics is still of concern. AI is very   a member  of the Institut Universitaire de France and chairman  of the ethics
                                    much a reality today.
                                                       committee of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris. His
                                                       current  research  interests  include machine  learning,  symbolic data  fusion,
                                                       computational ethics, computer ethics and digital humanities
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