Page 4 - 2019 Mid-Year Program Book
P. 4

3411 Silverside Road, Baynard Building, Suite 100, Wilmington, DE 19810
                                      1-877-347-5700  •

              Welcome to Baltimore and our 2019 Mid-Year Meeting!

              Dear Program Business Colleagues:
              Our world continues to be defined as one of headwinds and tailwinds. Our headwinds include climate change,
              political risk, insurtech and artificial intelligence, rampant acquisitions and seemingly unending amounts of
              surplus capital keeping rates soft. As an optimist, I believe many of these same forces can be our tailwinds,
              creating opportunity for entrepreneurial program administrators, carriers and service providers who can leverage
              developing technologies and surplus of capacity to solve our growing demands brought on by climate change
              and geopolitical risks. Given these dynamics, I believe there’s never been a more important time to educate,
              communicate and network with your industry peers.

              As our world and industry continue to evolve, so does your association. Target Markets continues to change and
              expand its platform to be uniquely relevant to those who work in the program administrator space. Over the past few
              years we’ve greatly expanded the association in many ways. We’ve invited London brokers and carriers to provide
              solutions for PAs. We’ve created a “program incubator” to introduce emerging technology providers to PAs, carriers
              and service providers that can help bring their products to market. We’ve expanded our education platform through
              our Target Markets University to offer educational opportunities to you and your staff that are uniquely tailored to the
              program business profession. All the while we continue to vet and approve the most relevant carriers, PAs and service
              providers to participate in our conferences, ensuring you can extract the most possible value from our meetings.
              This year’s 2019 Mid-Year Meeting is no exception. Our agenda includes a PA Town Hall panel that will provide
              a unique prospective on the world of acquisitions. This is not your typical M&A 101 discussion, rather a panel
              represented by each of the major classes of buyers (Private Equity, Private, Carrier and Public Broker) to share
              with you the distinctions in how they approach, value and manage life after the deal for a PA.
              Our guest speaker Daymond John, best known for his role in the hit TV show Shark Tank, will be certain to
              engage your entrepreneurial instincts and offer great business insights while our industry speaker Inga Beale,
              former CEO of Lloyd’s of London, will offer an inside perspective into the challenges, opportunities and future
              of Lloyd’s. Additionally, we’ll have a great selection of workshops and breakout sessions including:
               • Predicting Weather-Driven Impacts in the Current and Future Climate

               • The Liability Maze of Legal Marijuana – Implications for your Program
               • The Future of Risk – Emerging Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities

               • Canada is Open for Program Business
               • Ready-Set-Grow: Attracting, Onboarding, and Retaining Talent

              On behalf of the TMPAA Advisory Board and the entire Target Markets team, I hope you find this meeting to
              be an engaging and beneficial experience and we’re looking forward to a productive session together.


              Christopher L. Pesce
              TMPAA Advisory Board President
              President, Maritime Program Group

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