Page 36 - 2018 TMPAA Mid-Year Meeting Program Book
P. 36

Special Print & Digital Marketing Opportunity

          Target Markets






        Rough Notes is once again dedicating a special supplement within their September 2018
        issue exclusively to Target Markets. Our previous 14 supplements were a tremendous success.
                                Here’s what a member says about this marketing opportunity:

           Rough Notes is the most effective way to reach our clients and prospect agencies.
            As a national program administrator, we need a magazine that reaches a national audience—Rough Notes does.
                We always look forward to the Target Markets Rough Notes Supplement, as it affords the opportunity for

          Supplement makes it the go-to resource for agents looking for new programs or agents looking to know more about
              their current program administrators partners. We believe the format lets us tell our story in an impactful way.
                Glatfelter Program Managers to tell our story. The consistent quality of the Target Markets Rough Notes   “
                                                                           Arthur Seifert, CPCU, CIC, RPLU
                                                                            President, Glatfelter Program Managers
            Participation in this section includes:
          •   Two full pages: a professionally written feature article and full-page 4-color ad or a two-page ad spread

          •   National exposure to the industry in both the print and digital versions of the industry’s largest and most
            read magazine, Rough Notes, print and online—all for $5,000
                                              Contact us today!

               Ray Scotto, Executive Director, TMPAA • 302-268-1010 •

               Eric Hall, Executive Vice President, National Sales Director – Advertising • The Rough Notes Company, Inc.
               800-428-4384 |

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