Page 8 - 2025 INA Program Book JAN 2025
P. 8


                                        Shailesh                Chris Cline
                                        Kumar                   Executive

                                        Head of                 Director,
                                        the Global              Agents Council
                                        Insights                for Technology
                                        Center,                 Through Chris Cline’s
                                        The Hartford            25+ years in the

                                        Shailesh Kumar          insurance industry, he
                                        is the Head             has established himself
                                        of the Global           as an industry resource
        Insights Center. In this capacity he oversees economic   for topics such as perpetuation, M&A, culture, agency
        and geopolitical research to provide insights and risk   operations, marketing and sales, data and analytics, DE&I,
        advisory services to the firm’s leadership, underwriting   and technology and is consistently asked to speak or write
        departments, and its clients, brokers, and agents. The   about these topics at industry events around the country.
        Insights Center is the Hartford’s centralized research hub,   In spring of 2022, Chris assumed leadership of the Agents
        think tank, and consulting unit that helps establish the   Council for Technology as ACT’s Executive Director.
        firm’s view of the economic and geopolitical landscape for   In his prior carrier roles, Chris led teams focused on
        the insurance lines to support risk decisions.          the entire agency/carrier life cycle with a focus on

        Before joining The Hartford, Shailesh was at the Eurasia   appointments, M&A, emerging models, producer
        Group, a geopolitical risk consulting firm, where he led   agreements, contractual complexities, licensing.  He has
        the Asia practice and was concurrently the lead India   additional experiences across diverse disciplines ranging
        analyst. Prior to that, Shailesh served as an economist   from graphic design, marketing, sales, employee training,
        at the US Department of Treasury in various capacities   compliance, and personal lines underwriting.
        including as a debt manager overseeing the issuance of   He was also host of the award-winning podcast, Closing the
        Treasury securities, he helped manage the Department    Gap, the 2021 recipient of the Independence Bell Award,
        of Treasury’s “Markets Room,” a unit that provided      presented by the Ohio Insurance Agents for contribution to
        global financial market intelligence and it implications for   the industry, is a board member of Insure Equality and the
        national security to the US President, National Security   Knox/Licking Ohio Goodwill, and published his first book,
        Advisor, Secretary of Treasury, and others, and was     “Inertia of Legacy”, in October 2023.
        also the India economist overseeing US-India economic   Chris earned his degree in Graphic Design from the
        policy. Earlier in this career Shailesh worked at various   University of Akron. Away from work, Chris and his
        investment banks as a global macro investment specialist.
                                                                family spend as much time as possible camping, playing
                                                                guitar, and cruising the family hot rod, racing BMX, and
                                                                beginning work on his second book.

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