Page 4 - Schmidt Yearbook 2019-22
P. 4

Dear students, dear parents, dear colleagues, dear                                                               Dear students, parents, teachers, and staff of Schmidt-
                  friends of Schmidt-Schule,                                                                                       School !
                  I am very pleased to finally be able to present a yearbook                                                       Finally, we have a new yearbook of our Schmidt-School,
                  of Schmidt-Schule again after three years.                                                                       which this time covers the last three years of the school
                  In these past three years, we have mastered many                                                                 activities. Due to the pandemic, our students, parents
                  challenges as a school, especially in the two years of                                                           and teachers, faced many challenges we are glad to
                  Corona when we all had to adapt to new realities, and                                                            hopefully now leave behind us. I would like to take the
                                                                                                                                   opportunity here to thank you all for your efforts in
                  the work on the yearbooks was also affected by the                                                               these difficult times to secure the continuous education
                  pandemic. But despite all difficulties, we have managed                                                          of our girls.
                  to produce  a yearbook  that reflects  the past  three
                  academic years of our school, documenting most of the                                                            Working under extreme conditions has shaped the
                  important events of those years and preserving them                                                              history of Schmidt-Schule from the very beginning. Even
                  for the future.                                                                                                  the recurrent wars could not harm it for long, and the
                                                                                                                                   pandemic taught us to find new ways of education,
                  This yearbook therefore has a different layout than in                                                           implementing new technologies and methods. Schmidt-
                  previous years. Instead of a chronological arrangement                                                           School has always been a flagship for high-quality
                  by month, we have decided on a thematic structure
                  to present the most important events of the last three                                                           education, at the same time promoting equality,
                  academic years.                                                                                                  tolerance, and respect. Our school is unique in the Holy
                                                                                                                                   City, offering a German Abitur besides the traditional
                  Another special feature of this yearbook is that all the                                                         Tawjihi, with a focus on the German language. Hence,
                  people who have worked at our school in the last three                                                           our students are well equipped to continue their studies
                  years are listed in the yearbook. Even though they have                                                          either in the country or abroad.
                  left the school in the meantime, we would like to express
                  our thanks and appreciation for their work in this way.                                                          We are thankful for the support we received from the
                                                                                                                                   German government to carry out important school
                  I am very proud of what we have achieved together in                                                             renovations during the last year, installing a photovoltaic
                  the last three years. We have mastered many challenges   Without the commitment and cooperation of everyone      system, improving the outdoor school facilities as well
                  and steadily developed the school, especially in digital   involved, it would not have been possible to keep the   as the restauration of the compound wall, making the
                  teaching and learning.  The yearbook gives us the   school running as “normally” as possible and to provide      school a safer, nicer, and more sustainable place to
                  opportunity to look back on this time and remember the   our students with the best possible education.          study and work.
                  many beautiful moments that we shared in Schmidt-  Therefore, I am also very proud of our students who have      Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport
                  Schule even though there was the pandemic.
                                                                 achieved so much despite the difficult circumstances.             to freedom. We are proud to see our graduates out
                  At this point, I would like to thank all those who have   They have shown that even in difficult times they can   there, continuing their academic career, contributing to
                  contributed to the fact that we have been able to   stay together and master challenges together.                the society they live in, and living up to the values and
                  achieve so much during the pandemic years. A special   Finally, I would like to thank all those who have         ideals of the Schmidt-School. Generations of women
                  thank goes to our parents who have supported us and   contributed to the production of this book.                can proudly say that they are a “Schmidt’s girl”. As the
                  expressed understanding in so many ways during this                                                              Latin proverb says, “Non scholae, sed vitae discimus” –
                  time. Our teachers and the administration team have   May you enjoy this yearbook and use it as a wonderful      “We do not learn for school, but for life.”
                  also shown great flexibility and quickly adapted to the   memory of the past academic years.
                  new challenges.                                                                                                  With the best wishes for students and graduates, in the
                                                                 With warm regards                                                 name of the Schmidt-School Board!

                                                                                        Dr. Eva Schönemann
                                                                                                 Head of School

                                                                                                                                                           Dr. Michaela Richter

                                                                                                                                                         Jerusalem, September 2022
                                                                                                                                                           Chair of the School Board

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