Page 115 - Holy Mother Carry Us FLIPBOOK
P. 115

In our humankind family and world we have such a rich, vibrant sea of love, light, and beauty. And we experience the divisive agonies of empathic failure, of inability to bond, of separation and war.
We now emerge, with noble valiance and with quivering vulnerability, beyond the confines of our global sufferings of ancient patriarchal dominations — the species wide insensitivities to the feminine and spiritual essences we all carry.
Not only has our collective culture forlornly lost the deep and real Oneness with the heart of Father God, our bond of Ecstatic Union with Divine Mother Presence has been even more deeply submerged — eclipsing our truest selves deep in our psyches, our emotions, our relationships, our religions, our marriages, our families, our homes, our creativities, our countries.
In Holy Mother Carry Us, we remember Original Mother, Original Father, Original beginning-less and endless Eternal Love — in the final, forevermore, imminent way.
We come alive as the bliss and beauty of Infinity, from within the nurturing power and eternal holy joy of:  e Carrying.
In  e Carrying we arise as Light, and we abide as Love in the most tangible, earthy way imaginable. Our simplicity and our mastery unite in an effectual service of immense Presence and unifying power, blessing all sentient beings.
We feel, feel, feel ... we bond, bond, bond ... we face, face, face ... we get real down to the bones of our being, the core of our heart, and we get authentic down to every titillating scintilla of every trace of our essence.
In this exquisite holy scroll of illuminative verse, eternal soft whisperings, commanding messages, and awakening art — you embrace the solid ground of evocative wisdom, sobering summoning, and revealing humor ... in a way that you emerge Gathered Home in Eternal Mother God Immense Presence.
You are gently led through the labyrinth of the underworld, the shadowlands, through pain and fears, to the diamond light of sublime compassion and ageless grace.
the Nameless Speaks Publications Mind/Body/Spirit
Home in the Heart Foundation

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