Page 4 - LION YEAR MAG 2017_FS_R_Neat
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Welcome to the 2017 edition of Lion. Another year has passed, and what a c Matt Gower has recently redesigned our website. This portal is a
year it has been! For a variety of reasons we have decided to produce one we great way to catch up on activities and school life on a daily basis,
bumper edition of Lion this year, so you will discover a juxtaposition of r and I would encourage you to make full use of it.
Christmas/Winter articles, alongside the more recent Spring and Summer o
ones. Printing restrictions dictate that space is limited and it is impossible On the following pages you will find just a flavour of some of the
to fit all of the fantastic achievements of our students into just one e many and varied successes that our pupils have achieved this year,
magazine, so I apologise in advance if any events/trips appear to have been s many of them truly remarkable.
left out. The articles that have been included are, as ever, inspiring, lcome
We were wonderfully entertained in 2017 by a whole school
entertaining, and informative, and will hopefully give a good snapshot of a o
production of Hairspray (The Musical), and there have been
year in the life of those who are fortunate enough to attend this remarkable
several other notable drama activities throughout the year , each
being supported by our incredible inhouse musicians and sound
I must give credit to the commitment of the dedicated, hard working and and lighting technicians. Congratulations must go to the very
passionate staff who make St David’s such a special place. This school brings many people who are responsible for enabling these shows to be
together students of all abilities and from many different backgrounds and so successful and entertaining for us all.
cultures. Here, under one roof, they thrive and flourish in an atmosphere
where difference is celebrated, where uniqueness is encouraged, where
indifference is non-existent, and where each and every individual will
achieve to the absolute best of their abilities.
For the first time in over thirty years of teaching at St David’s, I was forced
to take time off work due to illness. During my absence from the
classroom I was able, probably for the first time ever really, to look at St
David’s from the ‘outside’. I now realise that it is often very difficult to
appreciate just how unique this school really is - unless you are a part of it.
The Outdoor Education and PE departments have also been very
I know all too well that there is a thoroughly unique environment within our busy this year, both at home and overseas. The input from the staff
campus, as does every individual who passes through our gates and spends within these faculties is inspirational. Such selfless commitment is
time with us. I am left thinking about how we can ‘bottle this up’, and let the wholly instrumental in shaping young Davideans into well-rounded
world know. Experience for those at St David’s College is beneficial in so individuals. It is always a pleasure to include stories from these
many different ways, both within and outside the classroom. There are so departments in the Lion as they serve as a reminder to us all that
many students out there whose lives could be changed dramatically from both team spirit and individual determination are essential
spending time in our midst, enjoying the myriad of wondeful experiences components of any successful educational curriculum.
that we have on tap. I don’t mean this in a crass commercial sense but as an
adult who has spent over half of his working life in this school, benefitting So please enjoy this edition of Lion and remember, your views, as
from every hour that I have been fortunate enough to spend here, it is clear parents and friends of St David’s College, are very important to us.
that we possess an inimitable formula that, if known, would be the envy of We have an area on our website dedicated to parents, so please
every educational establishment both nationally and internationally. make use of it.
As intimated previously, it is very difficult to fit everything into a magazine, Thank you for reading.
even an extended one such as this, and there will be inevitable omissions.
Martin O’Leary