Page 3 - Fondation Saint-Luc ENGL presentation
P. 3
A run-through of
selected projects
supported by
Fondation Participation in the Institut Roi Albert II
(IRA II), the new dedicated center for
Saint-Luc in the IMPROVED PATIENT cancerology and hematology, bringing
together researchers, doctors, patients and
their families in the fight against cancer.
past four years, IRA II has a global reputation in several fields of cancerology.
made possible TRAINING OF MEDICAL AND One in four Belgian children with cancer are treated at IRA II.
The five-year survival rate for breast cancer patients is higher
by the generosity IRA II plays a key role in research in Belgium and globally.
than the Belgian average.
of private and TECHNOLOGICAL 10 million euros were raised in the past 50 months.
corporate patrons. A fine example of a corporate partner is Groupe
Bruxelles Lambert, which has pledged to support
IRA II with substantial funds over four years.
Participation in ParTICLe
Belgium’s first proton therapy center
The Particle Therapy Interuniversity Center
TECHNOLOGICAL Leuven (ParTICLe) has been set up by
Another fine example of INNOVATION
a corporate partnership. an association comprising KULeuven,
Banque Transatlantique UZLeuven, UCLouvain and Cliniques
HIGH-LEVEL Belgium has been a universitaires Saint-Luc as part of a clinical
CLINICAL and scientific partnership of five university
RESEARCH Fondation Saint-Luc hospitals and their network hospitals.
corporate partner since
Among other things,
Banque Transatlantique Belgium funds
research by Prof. Bernard Hanseeuw,
Neurology Researcher at Cliniques
universitaires Saint-Luc, aimed at
developing a better understanding of the
mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease. The Proton therapy is a cutting-edge form of
goal of this research is to be better able radiotherapy used to irradiate malignant
to detect and prevent Alzheimer’s disease tumors while minimizing damage to
before memory loss starts to occur. surrounding tissue.
4 million euros raised by Fondation
Saint-Luc to support this project.
BNP Paribas Fortis has funded seven academic Hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic,
including Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc. At UHSL, this support has been used to finance a
system of automated medication dispensing cabinets.
INNOVATION These cabinets provide a secure solution for the
preparation and delivery of medication, with full
traceability, while reducing the administrative workload
of medical staff so that they can invest more time in their