Page 12 - Modul 1 - Numbers and Times
P. 12
Activity 10
Assalamualaikum, I'm Rahma, I wake up at five
o'clock every morning, then I pray Subuh. My Mum
give me a glass of milk at six o'clock. At sevent
o'clock I go to School. I have my lunch at one
o'clock. I come home from school at two o'clock. I
Take some snacks then I play with my friend at four
o'clock. I do my homework after praying Maghrib at
seven o'clock pm. I have my dinner at eight o'clock. I
go to bed at nine o'clock.
Rahma's Daily routine Times
1. Wake up in the morning at
2. Drink a glass of milk at
3. Go to school at
4. Have Lunch at
5. Come home from school at
6. Play with some friends at
7. Do homework at
8. Have Dinner at
9. Go to bed at