Page 2 - Student Edition Week 20
P. 2

Technology of Exploration                                                                                                                         Spanish Colonization                                                                                               Week 20 of 32 • Page 3

          There were many tools that made European exploration possible.   measurements to a table of latitudes that told
                                                                           measurements to a table of latitudes that told

          Funds, like those that Prince Henry the Navigator provided, were vital   them where they were.                                                    The first Spanish colonists were mostly       Bartolomé de las Casas lived on Hispañola    being when the Spanish misunderstood a

          to exploration. The caravel, a smaller, faster sailing ship, also made                                                                            men. They came to the colonies to be         during the first wave of colonization. He     Quechua word.
          traveling on the open ocean possible. However, other tools were   Sextant                                                                         conquistadors, hoping to gain land and       estimated that 80–90 percent of the Taíno       During much of the Spanish colonial

          crucial to the Age of Exploration.                               Sextants, like astrolabes, measure angles                                        wealth through conquest. The first Spanish    people died within the first 50 years of      period, only men migrated to the
                                                                           to determine the latitude of a ship.                                             settlements were on an island that           Spanish colonization.                        Americas. They often had relationships
          Cartographic Improvements                                        However, they also measure longitude.                                            Columbus named Hispañola. This Island is        Early Spanish colonization focused        with and married native women. Because
          Accurate maps were not very common in the Middle Ages. Prior     They measure the distance between the                                            located in the Caribbean and is the home     on the areas of major conquest: the          of these relationships, the population of
          to the invention of the printing press, all maps were hand-drawn,   horizon and a celestial body, such as the                                     of the modern-day countries of Haiti and     Caribbean, the Aztec Empire, and the Inca    the Spanish colonies grew to be
          which made them very difficult to create. During the Renaissance,   sun or moon. That measurement is matched              Sextant                  the Dominican Republic. The native people                                                 mostly people of mixed Spanish and
                                                                           sun or moon. That measurement is matched

          cartography took on new importance. The Greek scholar Ptolemy    with the measurements on a table, which identifies                                from the island were called the Taíno, and   Empire. The Caribbean islands that were      Indigenous heritage.
                                                                           with the measurements on a table, which identifi
          studied cartography and developed a grid with lines called latitude   a location’s latitude and longitude. Knowing both longitude and             they called their island home Quisqueya.     conquered by the Spanish were often             The Spanish colonies eventually
          and longitude. These could be used to help travelers determine their   latitude gave explorers an exact location. Sextants are still used by         Because the Taíno were the first           called the West Indies because Columbus      extended into Florida and the

          exact location on the globe. Latitude and longitude lines were tools   sailors today.                                                             Native Peoples to have Europeans live in     mistakenly thought he had reached islands    southwestern portion of the modern-day
          used by Renaissance-era cartographers to create better maps.                                                                                                                                   on the outskirts of India. The former
          As European explorers traveled to new areas of the world, they   Compass                                                                          constant, close proximity, they suffered     Aztec Empire was called “New Spain” by       United States. Spanish colonies also spread
          made maps to chronicle where they had been, stake claims for their   One of the earliest navigational tools was the magnetic compass. It          terribly from the diseases that the Spanish                                               throughout all of Central America and

          governments, and help others travel back to these destinations.   was first invented in China over 1,000 years ago. Europeans learned              brought. The first Spanish colonists also     the Spanish conquistadors. “Peru” was        everywhere in South America, except for

          In 1569, Gerardus Mercator innovated cartography even further    about the compass from the Arabs, who had originally learned of                  forced the Taíno people to work for them     the name the Spanish gave the Inca           Brazil. The Portuguese claimed Brazil as
          by creating a map that flattened out the globe. The longitude and   this invention from the Chinese in about 1000 or 1100 C.E. To use              in the encomienda system. Spanish writer     Empire. This name most likely came into      their own colony.

          latitude lines on these maps were straight. This flat map was a tool   the first compasses, sailors rubbed an iron needle on a rock called

          that allowed sailors to plot their destinations on fixed lines. It made   a lodestone. The needle then became magnetized. The needle was

          traveling across oceans easier.                                  then stuck into a piece of straw or something else that would float

                                                                           and placed in a cup of water. The needle would always point north.
          Astrolabe                                                        The compass did not pinpoint location, but it helped sailors know                                                                                                         Portrait of
          For hundreds of years, people have looked at objects in the night sky   which direction they were traveling.                                                                                                                              Bartolomé de
          to help keep track of where they were. Looking at the night sky                                                                                                                                                                             Las Casas
          and knowing where the stars are helps a person on the ground
          know which direction to travel. For example, the North Star will
          tell you which direction is north, no matter where you are. Once
          explorers know which way is north, they can use other scientific

          tools to pinpoint their location, chart their courses, and sail all
          the way around the world.
          One of the most important tools navigators used during the
          Age of Exploration was the astrolabe. Sailors used astrolabes to
          travel across wide-open seas by measuring the latitude of a ship
          at sea. Using the sun during the day and the North Star at night,
          sailors would point the indicator on the astrolabe at their chosen
          celestial object (the sun or the North Star). Then, they would
          read the dial to determine their latitude. They compared their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Taíno farmers
                                                                   Mariner’s Astrolabe

          English Colonization                                                                                                                              Portuguese Colonization
                                                                                                                                                                    tuguese C
          English colonization allowed English citizens to start new lives across the  to practice. This freedom was included in                            The Portuguese had a great empire that they started building in
          sea. Some colonists were motivated to make money and gain a higher   the charter.                                                                 the 1420s. They created trade centers from West Africa, around
          status in society. Other colonists came to practice their religion freely   Another form of charter created a                                     the Cape of Good Hope, to Asia and into South America. This
          and avoid persecution. Many others sought the chance to get land of their   proprietorship. In this case, the king gave a                         allowed them to become one of the first intercontinental empires

          own, which was very difficult in Europe. Regardless of the motivations   charter to a person as a reward for services                              when they were able to create Portuguese Brazil.

          behind their decisions, all colonists came as a result of a charter.  to the king. The person given the charter                                     Vasco da Gama was the third son of a minor nobleman in
             A charter was a legal document given by the king of England. It gave   was called a proprietor, meaning “owner.”                               Portugal. In 1492, he earned a name for himself by seizing French
          land to a company or individual to create a colony. The charter included   The charter gave the proprietor all the                                vessels that had violated Portuguese shipping rights. After this
          the geographic location for the colony. It also laid out the terms   rights to govern the colony and choose the                                   success, the king chose da Gama to lead an expedition to East
          between the king and the government in the colony. The charter gave   purpose for the colony and the conditions                                   Asia to set up trade between Portugal and Asia.
          each colonist the rights and privileges of an English subject. The purpose   for paying taxes to the crown. The colonies                            In July 1497, da Gama set out with four ships. By January 1498,
          of the colony was also described in the charter. Finally, the charter   that were established by proprietors                                      they had reached Mozambique, an island off of the eastern coast
          detailed the conditions for paying taxes to the king. The charter was the   included New York, New Hampshire,                                     of Africa. The da Gama expedition spent an extended period of
          deed, or document of ownership, for the colony, its constitution, and the   Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, South                           time there resting and recovering from scurvy. Scurvy is a disease
          financial contract between the king of England and the colony.       Carolina, and Pennsylvania.                  Royal Charter for the            that sailors often developed from not getting enough vitamin C.

             Charters provided two important things. First, they guaranteed the   Some of the colonies established by       colonization of the             Sailors got this disease from not having enough fresh fruits or
          colonists the same rights as citizens in England. This included the right   companies and proprietors later became   Massachusetts Bay            vegetables on their ships.
          of representation in government. Second, the charter allowed for an   royal colonies. The king rewrote their           Colony                       The trade routes, currents, and winds on the eastern side of
          elected legislature, as long as the laws the legislature made did not go   charters so that all of the profits and authority                       Africa had been known and traveled for hundreds of years by

          against the laws of England.                                        became his. These royal colonies included New Hampshire, New York,            Muslim traders. The Portuguese used this knowledge to reach
             People who wanted to start a colony had different options. One   New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.            India in May 1498. The expedition had achieved its goal. Da                          which are so marvelous … that I fancied myself to be
          option was to form a company. A company was made up of investors                                                                                  Gama returned to Portugal but later returned to India on two                         near the terrestrial paradise.
          who provided ships, tools, food, water, and protection for the people                                                                             more voyages. This led to the creation of Portuguese trading                            Brazil had many natural resources that Portugal
          who would move to America. Wages for the colonists were also                                                                                      posts from East Africa all the way to Japan.                                         utilized to create goods and products to send back
          paid with the investors’ money. The colonists were required to meet                                                                                 Da Gama’s route around Africa and into Asia played a crucial                       to Europe for a profit. Brazil became the largest

          the goals of the charter. They worked for the company and lived by                                                                                role in Pedro Álvares Cabral sailing too far west and accidentally                   sugar producer within a few decades of Portugal
          the rules of the charter. The colonists remained the king’s subjects

          but lived and worked across the ocean. They worked to provide the                                                                                 finding Brazil. The winds off the coast of Africa blew Cabral off                     colonizing, or taking over, the area. It started with
          company with products such as furs, lumber, and agricultural products.                                                                            course, and he and his crew landed in Brazil. After this discovery,                  60 sugar mills in 1570, and within 75 years, there
          The company would then sell the products back in England for profit.                                                                               an explorer named Gonçalo Coelho led an expedition into                              were 350 sugar mills. Brazil also had a large timber

          These profits were used to pay the company’s investors and the king. The                                                                           Brazil’s coastline to discover more about the country. The Treaty                    industry that took advantage of the hardwoods for

          colonies that were established by a company charter included Virginia,                                                                            of Tordesillas gave Portugal their own sphere of influence in   Vasco da Gama         lumber and the dye that could be produced from
          Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Delaware.                                                                             Brazil, and they were able to claim it as their own. Florentine                      the brazilwoods. The hardwoods were used to create

             At this time in England, there was great conflict over what church a                                                                            Amerigo Vespucci also visited Brazil and was amazed by the                           everything from tables to violins.
          person attended on Sundays. An official state church had been created                                                                              sights he saw. He wrote the following description of what he saw:     The colonization of Brazil was similar to that of the English

          that every person in England was supposed to attend. In colonies, the                                                                               This land is very delightful, and covered with an infinite number of   settlement in North America. A group of several hundred colonists came
          king’s people weren’t there to enforce that law. Colonists could attend                                                                           green trees and very big ones which never lose their foliage, and through  to the coast of Brazil to build different settlements. Portugal set up

          the church they wanted to instead of the church the king said they                                                                                the year yield the sweetest aromatic perfumes and produce an infinite   “captaincies.” This gave grants to Portuguese nobles and their workers
          must attend. The colonists had more freedom to choose what religion                                                                               variety of fruit, gratifying to the taste and healthful to the body … and   to develop land to farm on. Many other colonists from Portugal moved to
                                                                                                                                                            the fields produce herbs and flowers and many sweet and good roots,   Brazil in order to practice the religion they chose.
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