Page 2 - SSW European Exploration of the Americas
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Week 18 of 32 • Page 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 W eek 18 of 32 • P age 3
        Age of Encounters in Western Hemisphere                                                                                                             of their wealth. Before Pizarro

                                                                                                                                                            launched an attack, he had to sail
                                                                                                                                                            all the way back to Spain to get the
             In the late 1400s, countries on Europe’s   1. John Cabot                                and the powerful Iroquois Confederacy.                 support of Emperor Charles V. When
          Atlantic coast were competing with each      Learning from Columbus, John Cabot became    Cartier’s trips started French trade in                 he returned to Peru, the Inca were
          other for wealth and power. Portugal was the   interested in finding a shorter route across the   North America.                                   in the midst of a civil war. Pizarro’s

          leader in exploration for many years. In 1488, a   ocean. England sponsored Cabot’s journey to                                                    entrance coincided with a recent
          ship from Portugal sailed to the southern    sail through the North Atlantic in 1497. When   4. Francisco Vásquez de Coronado                     victory by a leader named Atahualpa.
          tip of Africa.                               he reached land, Cabot thought he had landed   Starting in Mexico in 1540, Coronado led an           Pizarro set a trap and quickly took
             Then, in 1492, Spain paid for Christopher   in Asia, but it was actually what is now Canada.   expedition for Spain in search of the Seven     over Atahualpa’s forces. Pizarro then
          Columbus to sail west across the Atlantic    His voyage proved a northern route to the    Cities of Cibola, which were said to be full of         took over the capital of Cusco in 1533,
          Ocean. Columbus studied everything that was   Americas could work. While in Canada, he met   amazing wealth just waiting to be taken. Along       ending the Inca Empire..
          available. He believed he could reach India   the Eastern Woodland Native People.         the way, the expedition discovered the Grand
          by sailing west. No one in Europe at the time                                             Canyon and found many Native People villages,           6. Hernán Cortés                     1. John Cabot                    2. Pedro Álvares Cabral          3. Jacques Cartier
          knew there were continents between the       2. Pedro Álvares Cabral                      but there was no gold in any of them. Coronado          Hernán Cortés was one of the most
          Atlantic Ocean and India. When Columbus      In 1500, Portugal sponsored Pedro Cabral     passed through Arizona, New Mexico, crossed             famous Spanish conquistadors, or
          landed, he thought he had reached India.     to take 13 ships to India for trade. Cabral’s   west Texas and the Oklahoma panhandle,               Spanish soldiers who explored and
          He called the Taíno people he met “Indians.”   plan was to sail around Africa, but on the   and then entered Kansas around what is now            conquered lands around the world. He
          It wouldn’t be until 1503 when an explorer   way, his ships sailed far into the Atlantic. This   Liberal. His trek took him through what are now   conquered what is now central and
          named Amerigo Vespucci would discover that                                                the cities of Plains, Meade, Fowler, Minneola,          southern Mexico. He encountered the
          the land Europeans were exploring was really   misdirection caused Cabral to land on the coast   and Dodge City.                                  Aztec Empire in 1519. The Aztec king
                                                       of South America. There, he met the Tupiniquim
          another continent. People later called the land                                                                                                   was Moctezuma II. His people were
          “America” in honor of this claim.            people..                                     5. Francisco Pizarro                                    very friendly to Cortés and his men
             Columbus brought evidence of his trip     3. Jacques Cartier                           Setting sail for Spain, Pizarro first traveled to        because they believed Cortés to be

          back to Europe. He shared his adventures and                                              the Americas just 10 years after Columbus’s             one of their gods, Quetzalcoatl. The

          became famous in Europe. Once Columbus and   France hoped to find a northwest passage      voyage. Inspired by stories of great wealth,            Aztecs submitted to almost everything

          his crew shared what they had learned on their   to reach the Pacific Ocean through North   Pizarro traveled south along the coast in search       Cortés wanted. Cortés captured
          voyage, other explorers followed. Portugal,   America. In 1534, France sent Jacques Cartier   of wealthy civilizations. He then traveled to a     Moctezuma and forcibly took over the

          England, and France sent explorers across the   to go find one. Cartier sailed up rivers in what   part of South America known to the Spanish as   Aztec Empire. His military victories led

          Atlantic. Many early explorers believed they   is now Canada. He didn’t find a route to the   “Peru.” There, he encountered the Inca Empire.       to 300 years of Spanish domination of

          had reached Asia.                            Pacific, but he did meet the Mi’kmaq people   Pizarro decided he wanted to take possession            Mexico and Central America.           4.    Francisco Vásquez         5. Francisco Pizarro             6. Hernán Cortés
                                                                                                                                                                                                    de Coronado

                                                                                                                                                                            Trade, Taxes, and Scarcity

                                                                                                                                                                            Trade is one way people meet their wants and needs. Trade with others creates a
                                                                                                                                                                            trade network. In Europe, there was a trade network between Europe and
                                                                                                                                                                            the Indies. The “Indies” was what Europe called Asia in the 1400s. The trade
                                                                                                                                                                            network covered a route known as the Silk Road. This trade route was used for
                                                                                                                                                                            centuries. Caravans were groups of traders that traveled together. Caravans
                                                                                                                                                                            brought spices, tea, silk, and other goods from the Indies to sell to the people
                                                                                                                                                                            of Europe. The Caravans traveled through many countries to reach Europe.
                                                                                                                                                                            Each country traded with the caravans.
                                                                                                                                                                               Spices were not a natural resource in Europe. The supply of spices imported
                                                                                                                                                                            to Europe depended on the caravans on the Silk Road. In the 1490s, the supply
                                                                                                                                                                            of spices and other goods from Asia was stopped by the Ottoman Empire. The
                                                                                                                                                                            Ottoman Empire controlled a large section of the Silk Road. The Ottomans put
                                                                                                                                                                            high taxes on the goods coming into their country. This made the goods very
                                                                                                                                                                            expensive. Many traders could not afford to pay the taxes to the Ottomans.
                                                                                                                                                                            Therefore, the goods did not move on to Europe.
                                                                                                                                                                               The monarchs of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, wanted spices and goods
                                                                                                                                                                            from Asia to be in the markets in Spain. With the Ottomans blocking the land
                                                                                                                                                                            route, they were not able to export any Spanish goods or import goods from
                                                                                                                                                                            the Indies. Another route to the Indies was needed. If Ferdinand and Isabella
                                                                                                                                                                            could meet the high demand for Asian goods, they could sell those goods for

                                                                                                                                                                            a great profit.
                                                                                                                                                                               This was the reason Columbus came
                                                                                                                                                                            to Spain. He had the idea of sailing west
                                         es and
                                         es and
                          Motives and                                                                                                                                       across the Atlantic Ocean to reach the
                                                                                                                                                                            Indies. The new technology for navigation
                          Movement                                                                                                                                          on the seas made this a reasonable plan.
                                                                                                                                                                            Ferdinand and Isabella became the patrons

                           Why did people want to explore the seas? Why             God                                                                                     of Columbus. They took a financial risk
                           did people want to colonize new lands? Many had          Religion was very important to many countries. Some                                     on Columbus, hoping he would reach the
                           different reasons for what they did. Many wanted         explorers wanted to bring their beliefs to the people of                                Indies and return with spices. Columbus

                           to find a safer route for trade between Europe and        the Americas. Many Portuguese and Spanish explorers                                     returned to Spain with a cargo of goods far
                           Asia. In addition to finding a safer trade route, many    wanted to spread the beliefs of Christianity and                                             greater than spices. The risk Ferdinand

                           European countries wanted more from their voyages.       convert native peoples to their religion.                                                          and Isabella took paid off
                           Each voyage was funded for a specific purpose. Those                                                                                                             greatly. The trade that began

                           purposes are often referred to as the three Gs: Gold,    Glory                                                                                                     in 1492 between Spain and
                           God, and Glory.                                          Europe is made up of many countries. These countries                                                       the Americas is called the
                                                                                    competed to claim land in the Americas. It was a race                                                       Columbian Exchange.
                           Gold                                                     for explorers and settlers from each country to                                                              This exchange had a
                           Many explorers were seeking riches for themselves        start colonies. Many explorers hoped to gain fame                                                             large impact on both                          Landing of Columbus by John Vanderlyn
                           and their country. They searched for gold and other      across the globe for their courageous actions and                                                             sides of the Atlantic.
                           precious metals that they could send back to Europe.     daring expeditions.
                           These precious materials would be turned into coins,       Together, these motivations gave rise to the

                           jewelry, and many other fine objects.                     Age of Exploration.
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