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4A1 Class      St. Mary’s Secondary School, Ballina                                    Spring 2022

                                 St. Mary’s Voice

                                          Inside the Convent Conversation

          St. Mary’s new school underway

            ST. Mary’s Secondary School
          state-of-the-art new campus is
            due  to  open  its  doors  next

          The multi-million euro project
            commenced  construction  just

            over a year ago on November
          6, 2020 with an 18-month build
            timeline in place.

                     Turn to page 3 for more.

          Click on the image to the right

          for exclusive on-site images.
                             Convent finale sells out
        Jersey Girls
                                                                            Inaugural Stand

        “JERSEY  Girls”  –  the  final  show  in  the  Convent  Hall  -  has   Up Week a huge
        officially sold out! The 2022 musical, starring the St. Mary’s      success

        Transition Year students, sold out in record time, after tickets    THE first ever Stand Up Week
            went on sale last week.                                         took  place  in  St.  Mary’s  in
        This is the first musical since 2020 – with                         November.

        last year’s Covid-19 restrictions marring                           The  week-long  event  focused
        the scheduled performance – and the 39                              on  the  theme  ‘Choose  Words

        musical showcased by the school. It also                            that Heal not Hurt’. It opened
        marks the final curtain call at the Convent                         with a flag raising and a special
        Hall, prior to the new campus opening                               assembly broadcast online and
        in autumn.                                                          featuring  special  messages
        Director and script writer, Ms Angela                               from  MEP  Maria  Walsh  and
        Donoghue told St. Mary’s Voice: “We have come back                  past-pupil  and  international
        with a show that will live long in the hearts and ears of all who   sports star, Sarah Rowe.
        see and hear it.”  The show, which features an original script, is   A series of events celebrating
        completely  produced  in-house,  with  the  director  working       diversity and inclusion under-
        alongside  musical  director,  Ms  Regina  Deacy  and               lined our school ethos, ‘the

        choreographers, Ms Annette Leonard and Ms Shauna Kearney.           school with the warm welcome
                                                                            and the caring heart.’
                                            For more, turn to page 3.

        Inside this edition…

             Mercy Award Winner                      Exclusive interview                   Sport
              Muireann Igoe on life as                       TV star                    Victory for St.

                  this year’s winner                      Annette Flynn                    Mary’s
        -Report cont/d. p. 3                                                                                  1
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