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New school to open its doors in September

              By Grace Harris

              THE new St. Marys' multi-million-euro campus
             is due to open its doors next September.

               The two-story, state of the art school is situated
             on  a  green  field  site  between  Rockwell  and
             Convent Hill.
               This project is years in the making. Despite the
             fact that the existing senior school was completed
             in  1989 and an extension took  place in  2002, it
             became clear that the school was no longer suitable
             to  accommodate  growing  student  numbers.  The
             campus buildings were  simply  not  large enough
             and the abundance of prefabs made the grounds       MOVING CLOSER: On-site progress and artist’s
                                                                  impression of main entrance. Pics:
             difficult to navigate.
                After  much  lobbying  from  former  school       Past-pupil Annette stars
             principal  Mrs.  Patsy  Sweeney  and  the  current   in festive T.V. advert
             principal Mr. Robert O’Reilly, the Department of     By Ciara Finnerty
             Education sanctioned the project. The work is now
             advanced  and  it  is  likely  to  be  complete  next
             summer,  with  hopes  all  students  will  be
             commencing  the  2022  school  year  in  the  new
             campus.  The school  will see a range of superb
             facilities  such  as  Technical  rooms,  Home
             Economics  and  Textiles  rooms;  Multi-Media

             rooms as well as student common areas, a Fitness
             Suite, Library, Meditation Room, General Purpose     A St. Mary’s past pupil has the starring role in a
             room and a range of all-weather sports facilities.    brand new television advertising campaign for
                  Jersey Girls Convent finale sells out           Littlewoods.  Annette Flynn plays the mother in
                                              Cont/d from front page   the heart-warming advert which has been taken

             THE tickets for the show sold out within three       to the hearts of the nation.
             days after the musical garnered attention from         In an exclusive interview, the actress who has
             local media.                                         also starred in Fair City, told St. Mary’s Voice:
             The Convent Hall will turn back the clock to the     “You don’t always know when you’re filming
             1960s to unveil the story of The Purelles, a girl    something  how  it  will  look  as  the  finished
             group who want to follow their dreams of fame        product.  I  had  a  feeling  this  was  going  to  be
             and fortune.                                         pretty special but when I saw it on the TV, it
                                                                  definitely exceeded my expectations.”
                MAKING HEADLINES:  Media
                coverage of the sell-out show                     Asked  what  she  thinks  the  popularity  of  the
                                                                  advert can be attributed to, she added:
                                                                  “People  seem  to  love  it  because  it  captures
                                                                  something  innocent  and  pure  –  a  very  loving
                                                                  relationship between a mother and daughter.”
                                                                  The  campaign  for  the  online  department  store
                                                                  has  proved  one  of  the  most  popular  seasonal
                                                                  advertisements of 2021.

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