Page 200 - The Intentional Parent
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Alcoholics Anonymous meeting with you or to participate in the organization Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD). Your daughter needs to see that there is another, less glamorous and potentially deadly, side to this issue.
My husband has been a heavy drinker for the last fifteen years. We have two children, aged six and nine. I
am concerned that living in the house with someone who is an alcoholic will make them more susceptible to developing a drinking problem themselves. What can I do about it?
You do not mention whether or not your husband has ever been in treatment for alcohol abuse, but it certainly seems as though he should be. Your children need to understand what it means to live in the same house as someone who has the disease of alcoholism. The best way to do this is to attend a few meetings of Alanon. Alanon is the branch of Alcoholics Anonymous that tends to the children and families of alcoholics. There is also a branch called Alateen, which is for the teenaged children of alcoholics. You can find out where the nearest Alanon meeting is by looking up Alcoholics Anonymous in either the white or yellow pages of your phone book and calling them. Please do this right away.
My son's guidance counselor called to tell me that my son and four of his friends were caught vaping on school grounds. He's only ten, and I am very worried that this could be a sign that he's headed for serious trouble. What should I do?
The majority of kids who smoke start before their thirteenth
The Intentional Parent by Peter J. Favaro, Ph.D. 200