Page 6 - 2022 Feb Report
P. 6
February Report 2022
Program Notes
• Distributions as of February 15, 2022: $0
• State University System of Florida
Executed agreements have been received for the matching grant challenge for scholarships for the 2022/2023 academic year. The universities have until May 31st to secure these funds.
• Distributions as of February 15, 2022: $0
• Martin Family Initiative
The attached report details how JSF funds helped the Martin Family Initiative launch its online Understanding the Early Years training course, which reached learners in 7 different Indigenous communities.
• Distributions as of February 15, 2022: $686,750
• Disability Convening
King’s report on this most informative convening is attached.
• Florida Atlantic University
In a post on his blog, FAU President Dr. John Kelly thanked JSF for supporting the Johnson Transfer Scholars Program. Please visit this link to view his message:
• Perkins School for the Blind
Ali Kane, the new Development Officer at Perkins sent this report:
We are thrilled to announce that your generous matching grant has inspired 43 donors to support Career Launch with donations totaling $248,126. Thank you so much for your tremendous leadership in making this possible! We will submit a narrative report by the May deadline discussing the impact made possible by this grant.
Thank you again for your commitment to empowering students with visual impairments to reach their full potential through Career Launch at Perkins.
The matching grant of $100,000 has been funded.
• University of North Florida
The fully executed grant agreement has been received.