Page 7 - 2022 Feb Report
P. 7

 March meetings
End Notes
  The March semi-annual meetings are scheduled to be in Toronto, Ontario Canada, Sunday, March 20th through Tuesday, March 22nd . We will be staying at The Hazelton Hotel on 118 Yorkville Avenue. Current plans are to have the Grant Program Committee and Compensation Committee meetings on Sunday. There will be a reception and dinner Sunday evening where we will be honoring Hugh Brown as he retires from the Board. Monday, we hope to schedule a site visit to a grantee. The other committee meetings will be Monday afternoon.
Tuesday morning will be the Board meeting
The reservation forms for attendance at all events/meetings is attached. Please complete and return it to Sharon asap as hotel reservations must be submitted this month.
US citizens going to Canada MUST comply with entry requirements, including setting up an ArriveCAN account PRIOR TO TRAVELING. ArriveCAN may be accessed either through a web browser or a free mobile app that can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store or the Google Play Store.
December 2022 meetings
Due to the unavailability of The Breakers for the first weekend of December, and after correspondence with the Board Chair and the Executive Committee, the December meetings have been moved to the second weekend in December. The dinner will be Friday, December 9th. The Grant Program Committee meeting, Compensation Committee meeting, and convening dinner will be Saturday, December 10th. The Disadvantaged Convening will be Sunday, December 11th.
Investment Detail Report
The investment detail report included in this monthly publication has historically been produced by our CFO. To streamline our work, we asked our Investment Consultant Prime Buchholz if they were able and willing to provide this report to us for our monthly publication. They agreed to provide this additional report in our requested format at no additional cost. Dick has worked closely with them over the last few months to set up this recurring report. Beginning January 2022, the Investment Detail Report is now published directly from our Investment Consultant.
Statements of Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balance
This month’s financial report is presented in an updated format. The projected return on our investments for 2022 is derived from the Investment Finance Committee’s policy target return of 5% plus inflation. For projected inflation for 2022, we used the average Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the last 5 years. The JSF Staff looks forward to feedback on this new format from Directors at the March 2022 meeting.

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