Page 28 - demo
P. 28

Compatible Time-Sharing


                                  CTSS                                                      Time Slicing

              One of the first time-sharing                                   System clock generates interrupts at

                  operating systems                                               a rate of approximately one every
                                                                                  0.2 seconds

              Developed at MIT by a group                                     At each interrupt OS regained

                  known as Project MAC                                            control and could assign processor to
                                                                                  another user
              Ran on a computer with 32,000

                  36-bit words of main memory,                                 At regular time intervals the current
                  with the resident monitor                                       user would be preempted and
                                                                                  another user loaded in
                  consuming 5000 of that

                                                                               Old user programs and data were
              To simplify both the monitor and                                   written out to disk

                  memory management a program
                  was always loaded to start at the                            Old user program code and data
                                                                                  were restored in main memory when
                  location of the 5000  word                                      that program was next given a turn
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