Page 76 - demo
P. 76


                                                Monolithic Kernel

                                                                                     Loadable Modules

            Includes virtually all of the OS                                  Relatively independent blocks

               functionality in one large block
               of code that runs as a single                                   A module is an object file whose
               process with a single address                                       code can be linked to and unlinked
               space                                                               from the kernel at runtime

            All the functional components                                     A module is executed in kernel
               of the kernel have access to all                                    mode on behalf of the current
               of its internal data structures                                     process

               and routines

                                                                               Have two important
            Linux is structured as a                                              characteristics:
               collection of modules
                                                                                         dynamic linking

                                                                                         stackable modules
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