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Family time can include games that parents may not have had time to play thus far. This is a
                      good opportunity to reconnect with the family playing board games, cards, carrom, antak-
                      shari, etc.

                 3.  If the child already has a mental illness,
                      Please reach out to your doctor via phone or email.
                      Use medicines sparingly and judiciously. However, continue any psychotropic medication
                      the child is already prescribed at the prescribed dose unless otherwise recommended by
                      your doctor. Please do not discontinue the medication abruptly.
                      Please  nd telemedicine resources.
                 4.  Find a way to take care of yourself – medically as well as psychologically. You are your
                    family biggest pillar of support. “Me Time” is recommended.

                 1.  In the current scenario, people are advised to defer visiting hospitals/clinics for their
                    scheduled appointment for minor issues.
                      In this situation, there is a need for using other modes of communication with doctors and
                      other health care professionals.
                 2.  Indian Oil has developed Telemedicine App which can be utilized for medical support from
                 3.  Increasing the awareness about mental health issues among the older adults and their
                    family members via social media (Online programs, website, online forum, group email or
                 4.  Adults should also get appropriate information and clari cation about various myths.

                 5.  Guidance about maintaining a routine, physical exercise, Yoga, meditation, healthy diet,
                    mental stimulation through home-based activities with appropriate safety precautions is
                 6.  Those with psychiatric emergencies like suicidal risk, severe agitation, and refusal of food
                    or delirium would require personal evaluation in emergency settings with appropriate
                    precautions related to COVID-19.

                Please do not take the present situation lightly and always follow all the advisories issued from
                time to time by IOCL as well as the Government of India.

                Always keep social distance, wear mask and sanitize your hands / wash hands frequently. Avoid
                going to public places.

 Figure a new routine for household and child must include academic work, chores, play,
 interaction with peers and relatives over the phone/other media.
 Have a set time for meals and bedtime.
 It would be wonderful to also have some indoor exercise as part of this routine – for   5
 instance, yoga, stretches, skipping, etc. The routine must be made collaboratively, including
 changes over time.
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