Page 30 - UHN-RR2020-6_Neat
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Top Tier
The Institute for Education
Research becomes UHN’s
seventh research institute
This past year, the research and education
communities celebrated the inauguration of The
Institute for Education Research (TIER) at UHN.
As UHN’s seventh research institute, TIER
focuses on health care education research that will
significantly impact health science professions.
Led by Research Institute Director Dr. Nikki
Woods and Applied Research Director Dr. Ann
Russell, TIER’s faculty focuses on three main
themes: 1) Technology, Innovation and Simulation;
2) Societies, Systems and Structures; and 3)
Teaching, Learning and Practice. of researchers, educators and caregivers. TIER’s
future-oriented vision and its integrated and
“We’re excited about the expansion of research inclusive approach to fostering collaboration will
at UHN with TIER and the unique focus on be key factors in its success.
education research,” says Dr. Brad Wouters, EVP,
Science and Research. “TIER brings a new focus During the launch event, Dr. Russell commented,
to our research ecosystem, while complementing “Achieving our vision of leading the world in
our existing strengths. It sits at the intersection transforming health care education through
of care, education and research—the convergence experimentation, creativity and curiosity will take
of which is a key element of UHN’s corporate, time and an unwavering commitment.” But this
research and education strategic plans.” is a commitment the co-directors are prepared
for and eager to make. Dr. Woods agreed, “There
TIER is putting a particular emphasis on are incredible ideas across the education research
strengthening the relation between quality community and TIER will give us a chance to
education and quality care. Embedded within bring them to life. Education research plays an
UHN’s care environment, the institute is ideally important role within the complex structures
positioned to develop new models of learning for of our health care system and the care providers
health care and inspire the next generation of tomorrow are counting on us to deliver
meaningful changes to the way we educate.”