P. 138

autoimmune problems.

                           Images 20, 21, 22 and 23. Merkel is so satisfied with these airplanes full of poison!

                             Electrosmog. Every day we are bombarded with electromagnetic
                           fields. Think cordless phones, cell phones, baby monitors, cell phone
                           towers, transmitters, wireless networks, Wi Fi, microwave ovens, smart
                           meters, they all emit electromagnetic fields. Our human bodies, on a
                           cellular  level,  have  a  tender  electrical  current  of  pico-amp.  Pico-
                           amperes are the smallest current over recorded. They are a trillion of an
                             When you use a cell phone that is plugged into an electrical socket,
                           it sends you the current of 0.2 amps. This is 200 billion times stronger
                           than our bodies are used to in a natural state. Furthermore, your cells
                           communicate  with  each  other  at  an  incredible  speed  of  5  to  10
                           quadrillion electrical pulses per second. Imagine what happens when
                           you interrupt your balanced electrical circuit with currents that up to
                           200 billion stronger!
                             Apart from our own electrical current, we have an electromagnetic
                           field. Now, imagine you live in an artificially created field higher than

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