P. 214
gallbladder and blood. He also RTPCR tested positive for Covid-2
renamed as Covid-19. Note the red blood cell showing the ‘Corona
Effect' on the left of the neutrophil. Neutrophils make up 2/3rds of the
total white blood cell count. They are the garbage collectors and
purifiers of the blood.
A second video shows the Live blood as seen under Phase Contrast
Microscopy at 1000x plus magnification showing the biological
transformation of the red blood cells as they give birth to the ‘spiked
protein’ and crowning of their cell membranes; the ‘Corona Effect’.
The Magnetic Field and Reduced Graphene Oxide or Graphene
Hydroxide. Programmable Magnetic Reduced Graphene Oxide or
Graphene Hydroxide Nanobots.
Figure 47. Programmable magnetic ‘rGO’ or Graphene
Hydroxide nanobots injected into the vascular and interstitial
fluids of a human or animal body are found to be deposited into the
connective and fatty tissues and then into the organs and glands.
They potentially cause biological transformation of the cell
membrane (crowning and protein spiking), genetic mutation and
the death of the cell as seen in the dark field microscopy micrographs
as seen above in Figures 44, 45 and 46.
The original nanofabrication techniques were developed by Marc
Miskin and his colleagues at Cornell University. The research was
presented at the American Physical Society in March of 2017.
According to a release from EurekAlert, the team spent years to develop
a nanofabrication process that can produce a million nanobots from a
specialized 4-inch silicon wafer in the span of weeks.