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your child and will live with you. They cannot replace real Christians,
                           but  they  can  replace  fake  Christians  and  pastors’  children  with
                           themselves as non-human changelings. The Kardashians are synthetic
                           life forms or A.I. androids. Androids don’t need sleep and food. They
                           don’t burn and are bullet-proof. 30% of Detroit city was android in 2019
                           and 50% in 2020.
                             In a video, the witch wife of John McCain admits that she knew
                           about Epstein’s island and that 99.9% of elites are involved in the 8
                           million  MILAB-abducted  human  children.  She  revealed  that  in  the
                           White House Capitol Supreme Court building underground, Satanists
                           torture,  rape,  sodomize  and  eat  children.  These  dungeons  are
                           interconnected  with  all  other  Capitol  buildings  in  the  world  trough
                           ‘maglev trains’ linking any nation in a few minutes.
                             Many  inverted  male/female  cloned  hybrid  bodies  are  Nephilim
                           aliens  and  chimera  aliens  incarnated  in  White  House  Pizzagate  and
                           LGBTP loving ritual orgies with children. They are bisexual Draconian
                           chimeras,  quadrisexual  Pleiadean  Nephilim,  multisexual  Mantis
                           chimeras, and hermaphrodite Pleiadean fallen angels. These latter have
                           hermaphrodite genetically-engineered bodies with both a penis and a
                           vagina to rape human little boys and girls
                             Nations  like  Norway  and  Holland  are  legalizing  pedophile
                           education. Children like 4 to 7 years old are taught pedophile sex and
                           children like 7 to 9 are taught LGBTP orgiastic sex with Draconians
                           Pleiadeans, Mantis and Pleiadean Watcher fallen angels. Then children
                           will be served as meat in their spirit cooking rituals
                             Nazi 5  Reich Pleiadeans and Nazi 4  Reich Draconian space fleet
                           clone army infiltrated and replaced 70% of the military and police. They
                           abducted 40 to 60 million people and 800000 children every year for:
                           1) human meat food, 2) child sex slaves, 3) adrenochrome, 4) dissection
                           experiments, 5) slave labor on Mars or Moon bases, 6) Nazi 4th Reich
                           Ceres  planet  human  brothels  for  aliens,  and  7)  Monarch  Solutions
                           Company  labs.  Draco  reptilian  chimera  alien  Helena  Petrovna
                           (Blavatsky)  founded  Theosophy,  the  modern  New  Age  witchcraft
                           movement.  Theosophists  think  that  drinking  children’s  blood  is  not
                           ethically wrong!

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