P. 84
for pushing Global Warming Scam
Allan Gotlieb – Canadian bureaucrat, member Trilateral Commission, member
of Carlyle Group, chairman of Sotheby’s Canada, globalist pushing North
American Union
Stephen Green – British baron, Minister of State for Trade and Investment, ex-
Chairman HSBC, educated at Oxford and MIT
Alan Greenspan – ex-Chairman of US Federal Reserve, Knight Commander of
the British Empire
Gerald Grosvenor 6th Duke of Westminster – Duke of Westminster, net worth
7.35B pounds, richest property developer in UK
Jose Angel Gurria – Secretary General of NGO OECD, ex-CEO of National
Development Bank of Mexico, ex-CEO of Foreign Trade Bank
William Hague – Foreign Secretary of UK, educated at Oxford
Sir Philip Hampton – Chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland, ex-finance director
of Lloyds, BT Group, BG Group and British Steel
Hans-Adam II Prince of Liechtenstein – Prince of Lichtenstein, owner of LGT
Banking Group, net worth $7.6B
Harald V King of Norway – King of Norway
Stephen Harper – Prime Minister of Canada, Zionist, pusher of globalism and
North American Union
François Heisbourg – President of International Institute for Strategic Studies, a
London-based globalist think tank
Henri Grand Duke of Luxembourg – Duke of Luxembourg, Knight Grand
Cross of the Royal Victorian Order
Philipp Hildebrand – ex-head of Swiss National Bank, Oxford-educated
Carla Anderson Hills – Co-chairman of Council on Foreign Relations, executive
committee member of Trilateral Commission, ex-HUD secretary, pushes North
American Union
Richard Holbrooke – American bureaucrat, Presidential Advisor, connected to
Vietnam, dead
Patrick Honohan – Governor of Central Bank of Ireland
Alan Howard – British hedge fund manager managing $26B of assets, ex-
Salomon Brothers
Alijan Ibragimov – Kyrgyzstani Oligarch, mining, oil and gas in Kazakhstan
Stefan Ingves – Governor of Central Bank of Sweden,
Walter Isaacson – CEO of globalist think tank Aspen Institute, Managing Editor
Time Magazine, Chairman of Broadcasting Board of Governors, connected to
Juan Carlos King of Spain – King of Spain, many other titles
Kenneth M. Jacobs – CEO of Lazard
DeAnne Julius – Chairman of Chatham House (RIIA), ex-World Bank, ex-CIA,
founding member of Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England
Jean-Claude Juncker – Prime Minister of Luxembourg, ex-President of