Page 21 - Hawaii State Reopening Guidelines
P. 21
COVID-19 Health-based Community Response
Severity Prevalence Healthcare Supply Contact Tracing Diagnostic Testing
• Safe Practices
Max capacity of contact
Median number of new Surge/crisis plans Max capacity of testing • Essential activities
STAY AT HOME Number of new hospital cases per day per week deployed and tracing is below the is below the number of and their support
number of new
cases threatens hospital
(MAJOR DISRUPTION) capacity indicates uncontrolled hospital capacity cases/close contacts new cases/close services
community spread maxed out contacts per day • Prepare to resume
per day
low-risk activities
80-100% of max 80-100% of max • Continue above
Surge/crisis plans
Number of new hospital Median number of new considered and capacity of contact capacity of testing • Resume low-risk
SAFER AT HOME cases requires cases per day per week hospitals can tracing would be would be reached at activities
(MODERATE DISRUPTION) consideration of hospital indicates controlled increase capacity by at reached at current rate current rate of • Prepare to resume
of new cases/close
new cases/close
medium to high-risk
surge/crisis plans
community spread
least 10% within 5 days
contacts per day
contacts per day
50-80% of max 50-80% of max
Surge/crisis plans in • Continue above
Number of new hospital Median number of new capacity of contact capacity of testing • Start with medium-
ACT WITH CARE cases requires cases per day per week preparation and tracing would be would be reached at risk activities; then
hospitals can increase
(MINOR DISTRUPTION) preparation of hospital indicates local, controlled capacity by at least 25% reached at current rate current rate of new move to high-risk
surge/crisis plans clusters of new cases/close cases/close contacts
within 5 days • Prepare to resume
contacts per day per day highest risk activities
<50% of max capacity
Surge/crisis plans in of contact tracing <50% of max capacity
RECOVERY Number of new hospital Median number of new place and hospitals can would be reached at of testing would be • Continue above
cases per day per week
reached at current rate
cases is managed within
• Resume highest-risk
(MINIMAL DISRUPTION) normal hospital capacity indicates sporadic activity increase capacity by at current rate of new of new cases/close activities
cases/close contacts
least 50% within 5 days
per day contacts per day
NEW NORMAL • Continue above
• Adjust Safe Practices
(NO DISRUPTION) to new normal