Page 1 - Return to Work 1 page summary
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               CHECKLIST FOR


               Companies are reviewing how to safely return employees back to the workplace. However, this is not a
               simple process. The workplace has changed and business needs to adjust to the "new normal."  This
               will require advance planning and operational adjustments to ensure worker safety.

               FirstVitals can assist companies with a coronavirus management program which can help with a
               successful return to work policy.

                COVID-19 Early Detection

                Don't wait to get care

                Early monitoring of your health vitals may prevent emergency department or hospitalization due
                to COVID-19. Protect yourself and monitor your health status.

                  Health Monitoring         Telehealth COVID-19            Get Tested               COVID Management
                      of Vitals                    Care
                   Use a wearable health      If you are experiencing    COVID-19 molecular,        For an active virus infection,
                 monitor wrist band for skin   COVID like symptoms,     antigen and antibody lab     FirstVitals will send via
                 temperature, oxygen level,   contact your physician or   testing will be ordered as   overnight delivery, medical
                  blood pressure and heart     schedule an online            needed.                 devices for stay at home
                 rate to monitor your risk for   telehealth visit with                               COVID monitoring which
                      COVID-19                   FirstVitals at:                                     can also be accessed by
                                                                  your personal physician.
                       For a clinically designed coronavirus early detection program to be an integral part of
                                                  your return to work policy, contact:

                                                FirstVitals Health and Wellness Inc
                                                   521 Ala Moana Blvd. Ste. 261
                                                        Honolulu, HI 96813