Page 14 - TUI Milestone Tribute
P. 14
15 Years of Service
Assistant, Operations
"I love the changing aspects of my job and being encouraged to
learn all I can so that I am able to see how my small bit fits into the
“big” picture of the company. Being in the field has allowed me see
some very interesting things, one is when we (Delaware) had so
much snow it was piled up high enough at some plants that we
were able to walk over the fences to access them to do checks and
run ops. My coworker's fondest memory would be the day I was
getting readings from a fly ash pond on a homemade pallet raft,
when the pallet broke and I went for a swim. I was told I looked
like slow motion as I went in! Working in the utilities field is the
best. People always need water and they always need to use the
bathroom. So we have job security."