Page 6 - TUI Milestone Tribute
P. 6
20 Years of Service "The biggest changes I’ve seen in our Company and our
Industry in my 21 year career, are the constant changes in
JOHN ECKEARD technology. I started as a meter reader in the year 2000.
Director, Distribution & Collection Back then, we recorded our meter readings for billing on
handwritten cards. We also completed all of our field
activities on paper work orders and recorded all our service
territories on paper maps. Over the years, I’ve experienced
multiple software implementations and software upgrades
for meter reading/billing, electronic work order completions
and GIS systems. Currently we are utilizing state of the art
software systems throughout our organization. Our
software systems have brought many advantages to our
daily jobs and customers, but more importantly have
seriously reduced our need for paperwork. Thinking back
from where I started to where we are now technologically,
would be the equivalent of going from a rotary phone to an
Apple iPhone 12. It’s really exciting, but at the same time
puts your age into perspective."