Page 25 - 2021 MWC Employee Awards
P. 25

"Working in the water industry has been a good career

                            choice for me not only because I love what I do as a

                    Customer Service Representative but also because I enjoy

                              the people that I work with and feel that all of us at

                      Middlesex Water do our part to provide a necessity of life

                                                                            for our clients.

                  I’ve been working here for the past 10 years and previous to

                       that spent 30 years with another water company. I know

                         how good it feels to help out in emergencies as well as

                      when things are running smoothly. I like to know that my

                                                work contributes to the community."

                                                                                                                                    - Lisa Attanasio

                                                                                    WE ASKED AND THEY ANSWERED!

                                                                                 WORDS FROM OUR SERVICE AWARD HONOREES
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