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               he landscape of (FOFA) Face of Florence
               Africa is a stepping stone for both the
          Tembodiment of African women ready to
          take  the  challenge  to  put  Africa  boldly  in
          global entanglement of fashion as well as a
          medium  of  channeling  MICRO  BUSINESS

          owners and upcoming talents.

          In an age where it is becoming increasingly
          easy to access opportuni es from around the
          world,  FOFA's  goal  is  to  ensure  that  many
          women  are  ready  and  in  disposi on  of
          accessing these opportuni es.

          FOFA  as  a  brand  is  a  solid  pla orm  to
          celebrate  and  support  MICRO  BUSINESSES
          and talent. With the objec ves of:
          Ÿ Empowering  women  interested  in
             pursuing a modeling and fashion career             women grow through its academy where it
          Ÿ Government support, poten al investors              recognizes and trains them on ac vi es that

             and partners                                       help  them  build  their  careers  without  any
          Ÿ Upli   entrepreneurs  and  impact  lives  of        form  of  influen al  in mida on  or
             our women and Africa at large
                                                                discrimina on.

          We are commi ed to celebra ng and helping

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