Page 10 - MAXWORTH integration
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Acess Control
Fire Alarm
Temperature Access
Access control systems are an essential part of
commercial security systems. With access Access Control System
control, you can effectively keep your premises Fire Alarm System
safe and secure, by controlling the movement Time & Attendance
of people in and out of the building. You can as Intrusion Alarm System
well set the criteria for the people that are
allowed to access the building, or sensitive Video Door Phones
areas within the building.
Access control can be broken down into three core elements are Identification,
Authentication & Authorization.
The Common Types of Access Control Systems are Intruder Detection Systems,
Gate Entry Systems, Biometric Readers which can also be used for Time and
Attendance, Video Door Phones, and So on.
Fire alarm systems part of Security Systems have become increasingly
sophisticated and functionally more capable and reliable in recent years. They are
designed to fulfil two general requirements: protection of property and assets and
protection of life.
Using a video door phone, residents and visitors can communicate audiovisually.
The video door entry system is notable because it enables a person indoors to
visually identify a visitor before deciding to allow that visitor access.