Page 2 - Nissan of Tustin Product Book
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                                                                                                                                 Repair Costs Increase As
    EXCLUSIONARY COVERAGE                                                                                                        a Vehicle Gets Older and
                                                                                   DIAGNOSE AND REPLACE
                                                                                    COMPUTER MODULES                           the Factory Warranty Expires.
                                                                   NAVIGATION DISPLAY
      The Most Complete Coverage                                     $1,666         $637 - $1,103
        to Protect Your New Vehicle                   ENGINE CONTROL MODULE                         FUEL PUMP
                                                          $1,670                                     $975

                                            POWER STEERING
      It is the best repair coverage beyond   $1,275                                                          ABS BRAKES
    the factory warranty that you can get.
      It’s called Exclusionary because it
    is easier to list what is not covered-   RACK AND PINION
    excluded - than to list everything                                                                       BRAKE CALIPERS
    that is covered.                                                                                           $880
             SOME EXCLUSIONS              $6,700
    Routine maintenance items such as: oil, coolant,                                             DRIVE AXLE OVERHAUL
    fluids, refrigerant and others.                                                                                            Cover Your Future Repair Costs
                                               WATER PUMP                              AIR CONDITIONING                          with Portfolio Protection.
    Items that occasionally need replacement such as:   $950                             $2,719
    battery and cables, lights and bulbs, tires, filters,   TRANSMISSION OVERHAUL  TRANSAXLE
    hoses and lines, drive belts, brake pads, brake drums,   $5,500         $3,150
    brake shoes, exhaust system, shock absorbers, and
    strut insert cartridges.
                                              The components above are covered only under Exclusionary Coverage described on this page. Some are covered under Stated Component
    Appearance concerns and exterior items such as:   and Powertrain (see reverse side). Actual costs vary according to year, make, and model, and from state to state.
                                                           Costs stated above are sample costs based on historical data collected by Portfolio.
    bright metal, vinyl, wheel covers, glass, ornaments,
    and paint.
    Interior items such as: carpet, upholstery, buttons,     Protect Your Ownership Experience.                 SM                     for New & Premium Vehicles
    door and window handles.
    (This is a list of some exclusions. See your service                         INCLUDES                                          Your Portfolio service contract
    contract for a complete list of what is not covered.)  Typical Powertrain Warranty
                                                   Covered Components            ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE   *                           also includes these benefits: *
                                            Drive Axle-FWD,  Transmission  Transfer Case  TOWING          FLAT TIRE ASSISTANCE     SUBSTITUTE TRANSPORTATION for qual-
          EXCLUSIONARY COMPANION            AWD, 4WD                             In the event of a breakdown not caused by  Removal and replacement of a flat tire with  ified repairs when your vehicle is inoperable
              WRAP  COVERAGE                                                     an accident, towing will be provided to you.  your spare.  and undergoing repairs.
    This coverage is for the vehicle that has an underlying                      No matter where, no matter the time of day.   LOCK-OUT  TRANSFERABILITY For added resale value
    extended powertrain warranty. Includes all compo-  Engine         Drive Axles-RWD,                    The  service  will  provide  for  a  commercial  your coverage can be transferred to a new
                                                                                                                                   owner, should you decide to sell your vehicle.
    nents covered under Exclusionary Coverage except                  AWD, 4WD   GASOLINE AND FLUIDS      locksmith to gain entry to your vehicle if the  (Fees and restrictions apply.)
    Powertrain components listed under  “Powertrain Cov-                         An emergency supply of gasoline, oil, cooling  keys are locked in the vehicle.  LIGHT COMMERCIAL USE for your busi-
                                                                                 fluid & water will be delivered to you when
    erage” on reverse side of this presentation.                                 an immediate need arises.  BATTERY JUMPSTART      ness or employment.
    (not available on all plans)                                                                          If a battery failure occurs, a jumpstart will be
                                                                                                          delivered to you when in immediate need.
                                                                                 * These additional benefits are subject to maximum reimbursement limits. Other terms and conditions may apply. See contract for details.
                     This presentation is not a contract. It is an overview of benefits for marketing purposes only. See your  service contract for all details of coverage, benefits, terms, conditions and exclusions.
                           A printed sample of this service contract is available upon request. The purchase of a service contract is optional and not required to finance or purchase a motor vehicle.   PM6R/AM6R mat 0216
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