Page 34 - PPL-engelsk 2025
P. 34

Air Law

           Flying under bridges

                Flying between bridge pylons and under bridges, power lines, or similar is not

                allowed without permission from the Civil Aviation Authority. (Bridge pylons

                are considered a single obstacle, even if the distance between them exceeds

                300 meters).

           Transition altitude, transition layer, transition level

                VFR flights above the transition altitude must be conducted at a flight level

                according to the chart in BL 7-13. However, flights during ascent or descent are

                In  practice,  when  passing  the  transition  altitude  (3000  feet  -  except  in  the

                Copenhagen Area,  where  it  is  5000  feet),  the  altimeter  must  be  set  to  the

                standard setting of 1013.25 hPa.

                When this is done, flights are not conducted in "altitudes above sea level," but
                in a flight level indicated by the number of hundreds of feet the altimeter shows

                relative to the standard setting, e.g., if the altimeter shows 4200 feet, this is
                called flight level 42.

                VFR flight is prohibited above FL 200, so the highest FL for VFR is FL 195 (see

                the section on flight altitudes).

                IFR flights are conducted in flight levels ending in "0".

           Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL             Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025           34
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