Page 45 - PPL-engelsk 2025
P. 45
Air Law
From sunset to sunrise, the aircraft must be equipped with functioning anti-
collision lights.
The anti-collision light (beacon) is typically turned on before starting the engine,
as a signal to surrounding traffic that activity is occurring with the aircraft.
It warns of engine rotation and the propeller's danger. It also signals to other
aircraft that we intend to maneuver in the area (taxiing when moving an aircraft
on the ground).
After the flight, the anti-collision light is turned off only after the engine has
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1.4.3 Information about the flight (Luftfrartsret 3 - 2 videoer)
The provision of information regarding a planned flight or part of a flight must
be made to an air traffic service unit in the form of an ATC flight plan. ATC Flight Plan
If you have SkyDemon, you can submit an ATC flight plan directly from it. There
are also other electronic flight plans, such as Cronos.
A flight plan must be submitted before starting any:
- Flight or part thereof for which air traffic control service is provided
- IFR flight
- Flight within, into, or along specified routes, when required by the Danish
Transport Authority
- VFR night flight outside the vicinity of the aerodrome
- VFR flight without visual ground reference
Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025 45