Page 39 - Radiooperatørkursus BEG_Neat
P. 39

With winds from the east, runway 09 is used.

               If we make it known, we can perform right-hand approaches when the airfield is


               Outside service hours, the rule is to use a standard left hand pattern if you fly a

               round. A direct approach to the final can also be performed (A so-called "long"
               final is more than 4 NM).

               Please  report  specifically  where  you  are,  e.g.  "is  on  3NM  final  RWY  27  and
               passing..." Then, if there is any other traffic, where you are.

               3.5.3     Radiocontact with Stauning Information

               In good time before  LEM, establish contact with Stauning Information:

                     Pilot: Stauning Information OY-TLA

                     Information: O-LA Stauning Information

                     Pilot: Stauning O-LA VFR from Herning to Stauning, 5 NM north of LEM at

                            2000 feet, request landing information

                     Information:  Runway  in  use  27  wind  270  degrees  12  KT,  QNH  1012  no

                                    Reported traffic in the zone Report LEM.

                     Pilot: Runway 27 in use QNH 1012 no traffic reported, descends to 1300 feet
                            and reports LEM O-LA

                     Pilot: Stauning O-LA passing LEM at 1300 feet proceeds west of the airfield

                            for a left hand approach runway 27

                     Information: Roger, report final RWY 27

                     Pilot: Report final runway 27 O-LA

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