Page 45 - Radiooperatørkursus BEG_Neat
P. 45
The procedures shown must be present in the plane, but feel free to print them
out because it is good to have a spare.
4 Final
With this, you should be "dressed" to be able to qualify for the further course,
which gives you access to the radio course itself.
You just have to go through a few more tasks:
- You must pass a written placement test. The placement test consists of 16
randomly selected questions, which you have 35 minutes to answer. You
must get a minimum of 75% correct to pass the test. You have 4 attempts.
- Finally, you must talk with your teacher about topics related to the
placement test and this book. You must, so that we at the school can make
sure that you have mastered the English language.
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