Page 5 - Radiooperatørkursus BEG_Neat
P. 5
Purpose of the Course
As a school, we are committed to ensure that participants enrolled in the school's
radio courses:
- Have the necessary prior knowledge regarding both radio equipment and
the topics that are involved or may be involved in radio communication
related to flying.
- Can both speak and understand the language used in the communication.
Course Content
We recommend that you start by reading this iBook and familiarize yourself with
the various topics. After that, you will be ready to participate in the 3 lessons that
will be held on one evening from 7 PM to 10 PM. See lessonplan below.
Lekt. Tid Emne Middel
1 45 min Equipment i-Book - PP og AV
- Headsets
- Intercom
- COM Radio
- Audiopanel
Radiotests/ Squelsch
2 45 min Airspace Classification i-Book - PP og AV
NOTAM Video Luftrum 92
ATC Flight Plan
Airport Information
Air Trafic Services
Altimeter settings
ATIS weather-related Messages
3 45 min Karup Airspace i-Book - PP og AV
Ground Signals
VFG Stauning
Traffic Circuit and Terminology
Markings at Airports
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