Page 32 - PPL-engelsk 2025
P. 32

Air Law

           Flying altitudes

                Except during takeoff and landing, flights must be conducted at an altitude that

                allows for an emergency landing without endangering persons or property on

                the ground or water

                The minimum flying altitudes listed below must also be followed.

                Over  densely  populated  areas,  including  summer  house  areas,  residential
                campsites, and areas where large numbers of people are gathered outdoors,

                the flight must be conducted at an altitude of 1000 feet above the highest
                obstacle within a 600-meter radius of the aircraft.

                However, lower altitudes are allowed for takeoff and landing at an approved

                airfield (EKXX).

                Imagine flying over cities, residential campsites, or areas where a large crowd is gathered,

                you must be able to fly with a "manhole cover" suspended by a rope of 1000 feet length, with
                the cover not touching anything within a radius of 600 meters.

                The illustration shows two planes:

                A flies over open terrain (could also be water). Here, they must maintain a

                distance of 500 feet from the terrain, and if there are obstacles (e.g., masts,

                windmills, or small clusters of buildings), they must maintain 500 feet vertically

                or 150 meters horizontally.
           Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL             Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025           32
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