Page 55 - PPL-engelsk 2025
P. 55

Air Law

                The control zone is classified as D airspace. Inside the control zone, it is Karup

                Tower (TWR) that has jurisdiction. One may only enter if permission has been
                granted. Therefore, two-way radio communication is required when flying in

                this area.

                Above  the  control  zone  is  a  larger  (red)  box.  This  area  is  called  the  Karup

                Terminal  Area  (TMA).  Karup  TMA  is  D  airspace,  but  other  TMAs  may  be  C
                airspace. For example, Billund and Copenhagen TMA’s

                In Karup TMA, you must call Karup Approach for permission to enter the area.

                A line like this one                     indicates the extent of the Karup Local Traffic

                Area (LTA). This is just an area, much like FIR is also an area. In Karup LTA, it is

                Karup Approach that provides services.

                To the west, we see Stauning Flight Information Zone (EKVJ FIZ G). The service

                unit  is  called  Stauning  Information  (Aerodrome  Flight  Information  Service).
                The service from Stauning Information may include traffic information, advisory

                services, and alerting services.

                Within the TMA, Karup Approach provides Air Traffic Control services.

                This picture shows the Air Space above Sjælland.

                There  are  2  control

                zones,  and  like  all

                other  control  zones,

                they  are  class  D

           Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL             Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025           55
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