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Air Law
If you have the e-book as part of Midtjysk Flyveskole's distance-learning
program, you will have access to the following resources, which you will
encounter along the way:
- Short videos covering selected parts of the material, marked with:
→ log in to e-learning and watch the video(s).
- Note: In most cases, a single "video" consists of multiple parts (several
videos). The videos are numbered, e.g.: (Navigation 1 – video 1 of 2)
(Navigation 1 consists of 2 videos, where video 1 of 2 is the first video).
- Exercises related to the material you’ve read, marked, for example, as:
Exercise set – VFR flight click the link: open the exercise.
- Online multiple-choice questions:
When you see Midtjysk Flyveskole's logo, fx ex:
→ click on the image or find the test on e-
learning (here Air Law 5).
The e-book and e-learning modules are instructional materials created by the
- The e-book and e-learning modules, including videos, questions, and
pages, may not be used for teaching purposes or on websites without the
written permission of the undersigned (e.g., via email).
- Pages, videos, questions, etc., from both the e-book and e-learning
modules may not be copied or otherwise reproduced.
- The e-book cannot be downloaded or converted into a PDF file. However,
an older version of the reading material is available for download at the
following link.
Good luck with the material!
January 2025
Henning Andersen
©Midtjysk Flyveskole,
Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025 2