Page 11 - PPL-engelsk 2025
P. 11
Air Law
1.2 International Legislation
In addition to the Transport Agency in Denmark, Danish aviation is subject to
various international bodies.
1.2.1 ICAO
Denmark, like most countries, is member of ICAO (International Civil Aviation
Organization). The member countries of ICAO adopted the Chicago Convention
in 1944. The Chicago Convention states, among other things, that each state
has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory.
The Chicago Convention consists of around 100 parts; so-called articles and
annexes. Some of these will be discussed below.
The Convention aims to:
- Ensure controlled and safe growth of civil aviation worldwide.
- Promote aircraft design and operation for peaceful purposes.
- Promote traffic regulation and airport facilities.
- Promote flight safety internationally.
- Respect the sovereignty of individual member states*
*The sovereignty of individual member states means, in practice, that by signing the
convention, member countries recognize that each state has full and exclusive sovereignty
over the airspace above its territory (land and territorial waters).
The adopted annexes and "documents" form the basis for the national aviation
legislation of the member states.
Here is a selection of articles:
Article 3: Civil and State Aircraft
a) The Convention applies only to civil aircraft and not to state aircraft.
b) Aircraft used by the military, customs authorities, or police are, by
definition, state aircraft.
Flight Theory PPL(A)(UL)/LAPL Henning Andersen, Midtjysk Flyveskole© 2025