Page 82 - Communication IFR_Neat
P. 82
Start-up on 124.0 Herning Ground Speedbird
(this is requested to avoid 123
unnecessary fuel wastage Stand 24 Information Delta Speedbird 123 Start-up at 35
by delays on the ground. Request Start-up QNH 1009
In case of a delay an or
expected start-up time is Speedbird 123 Start-up
given) approved QNH 1009
Push-back Ground Speedbird 123
Request push-back Speedbird 123 push-back
On groundcrew Ready for push-back
intercomm Confirm brakes released
Brakes released
Commencing push-back
Push-back complete confirm
Brakes set. Disconnect brakes set
Disconnecting. standby for
Roger visual signal at your left
On Ground 124.0 Ground Speedbird 123
Request taxy Speedbird 123 Taxy to holding
point D runway 30 Give way
Taxy to holding point D to Boeing 747 on taxyway at C
runway 30 Wilco Speedbird123
Clearances are passed by Speedbird 123 I have your
ground controllers when clearance
they have received them Ready to copy (or go ahead)
from Approach or Airways Speedbird 123 Speedbird 123 is cleared for the
controller Brecon 30 departure climbing
to FL80 Onward clearance with
Herning Approach 125.850
Speedbird 123 is cleared for Squawk 3312
the Brecon 30 departure
climbing to FL80 Onward
clearance with Herning
Approach 125.850 Squawk
3312 Speedbird 123 Readback correct Contact
tower 125.925
Tower 125.925 Speedbird 123
On tower freq 125.9 Herning tower Speedbird 123
Conditional clearance ready for departure Speedbird 123 Behind
landing 747 line- up behind
Take-off (when runway Behind landing 747 line-up
vacated by B747) behind Speedbird 123 Speedbird 123 cleared for
Cleared for take-off
Speedbird 123