Page 127 - KZN Top Business Portfolio-eBook 2022
P. 127

Toyota collaborates with its value chain partners   Social Programmes
         to ensure that its vehicles stay true to the Toyota,   TSAM cares for all members of society and aims
         Lexus and Hino brands. This enables them to ensure   to make it a better place. They commit time and
         that all components meet high quality standards   resources  to  developing  all  South  Africans  by
         and are delivered on time and in full. The dealer   empowering and uplifting local communities
         network is critical in delivering on their customer-  through  impactful  and  measurable  social
         first promise.                      programmes. The social contribution activities are
         Therefore, TSAM believes that a large part of its success   aligned with TMC’s Global Vision of contributing
         is attributed to the way its value chain collaborates   to the sustainable advancement of the societies in
         and engages to form an integrated ecosystem – from   which it operates.
         parts suppliers to manufacturing, sales, its dealer   The corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme
         network and its valued customers or guests.   was established in 1972 by Dr Albert Wessels with a
         Employees                           focus to offer training and support to communities
                                             closest to their production plant and offices.
         TSAM’s employees are the custodians of the Toyota
         Way. They support continuous improvement through   TSAM is committed to build a better future for our
         training and development, providing on-site, hands-  children,  communities  and  country.  CSR  has  four
         on experience (Genchi Genbutsu) and taking each   pillars that are focused on, namely education; road
         challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow.   safety; civic and community service; and health and
                                             human service. They believe that focusing on these
         Training is the key to the success of TSAM and is   four pillars will make a positive, sustainable and
         therefore all-encompassing; from assembly-line
         team members to dealer personnel. This does not   long-term difference to their business, communities
         only involve skills transfer, but also extends to   and the SA economy.
         ‘imbibing’ the Toyota culture of a caring company,   TSAM is represented in communities through the
         transformation in the work place and development  TSA Foundation, its CSR department, employee
         of a well-trained, integrated supply chain.   involvement and in-kind donations. They aim to
                                             support the communities that are within a 50km
         TSAM is fostering a working environment based on
         the culture of Mendomi, which means that they take   radius  of  their  operations.  This  ensures  localised,
         care of employees like they would take care of their   focused and impactful initiatives are addressed to
                                             target specific needs of the societies in which they
         own family.
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