Page 103 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 103


               ongi Mkhize is the chief executive officer of the   vision of financial inclusion, financial literacy, and   Bongi oversaw the development and revamping
               Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund (NJMPF),   financial freedom upon retirement for all South   of the  NJMPF  website,  which made  it  possible  for
               which is a retirement services provider for   Africans especially the previously marginalised   members to access micro financial services pertaining
         B55 municipalities in ten municipal districts    majority – regardless of one’s socio-economic   to their  retirement savings  and financial  futures
          of KwaZulu-Natal.  The NJMPF has a membership   status, led Bongi to tirelessly innovate NJMPF’s   online and without having to leave their homes.
          base of 23 500 active members, approximately 9000   products and services and grow its brand visibility
          pensioners and over 38 billion rands worth of assets   across KZN.                              A CULTURE OF TRANSPARENCY
          under administration.
                                                          QUALITY SOLUTIONS                               To keep his team motivated, Bongi fosters a culture
          From an early young age, Bongi has always broken                                                of openness and transparency. “I believe in open
          boundaries. Having grown up in Ndwedwe, a village   As CEO, Bongi is driven by a clear purpose:  “My   communication, recognising achievements, and
          outside Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, there were limited   goal is to lead the team to administer the pension   addressing challenges collaboratively. Transparency
          educational resources and no role models in the area   fund  and  provide  top-notch  retirement  services   is very important to me, and I ensure my team feels
          to inspire him. Bongi took it upon himself to upskill   that are cost-effective, ensuring our members can   supported and valued in their efforts toward our
          using the limited resources he had at his disposal and   retire comfortably. We strive to continue providing   shared goals.”
          pursued a career in accounting. Fast-forward to the   quality solutions that meet the unique needs of our
          future, he is now an impactful figure not just as CEO   stakeholders.”                          Bongi draws inspiration from his father, who taught
          of NJMPF but in Ndwedwe.                                                                        him the value of resilience and kindness, qualities
                                                          One of Bongi’s proudest achievements is leading   he strives to embody in his own life. His faith and
          Bongi holds a tertiary qualification in finance and a   NJMPF. He notes, “Leading NJMPF is my proudest   belief in NJMPF also drive him to continuously
          postgraduate diploma in investment management   moment because  it’s  a big  organisation with   pursue excellence and innovation.
          and banking from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.   a significant impact. Being the CEO of such an
          His career began as a clerk at one of the leading   organisation is incredibly rewarding, especially when   Looking to the future, Bongi envisions a business
          banks, where he gained valuable experience in   we consistently receive clean audit reports from the   environment in KwaZulu-Natal where financial literacy
          customer service, a skill that has proven essential in   Auditor-General and maintain  the Fund’s  legacy of   and inclusion are prioritised. “We need to ensure that
          applying Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) principles   excellence in financial management and governance   all stakeholders are financially empowered. Reducing
          throughout his career. He then transitioned into   for over two decades.”                       unemployment through targeted programmes and
          an auditing role, which provided him with deep   Further to financial literacy, Bongi contributed to   other initiatives is also critical,” he says.
          insights into the importance of governance and   the fight against a challenge that most young South   Bongi is particularly interested in how global
          accountability within organisations.
                                                          Africans face, which is unemployment. He prepared   economic changes and technological advancements
          Driven by a desire to further his education, Bongi   and submitted a paper to the NJMPF Board of   will shape the future. He believes that innovations
          completed his South African Institute of Chartered   Trustees pleading them to approve his proposal for   such as the modernisation of products and services
          Accountants (SAICA) articles with the Office of the   a 12-month internship programme where students   through information technology will play a crucial
          Auditor General, gaining extensive experience in   that have recently attained their qualifications can be   role in NJMPF’s continued success. “Using technology
          auditing both provincial and national departments,   afforded an opportunity to get workplace experience   to lower fees is critical for a retirement funding
          municipalities, and public entities.  This foundation   while also receiving a stipend.  This proposal was   service and its members. Finding innovative ways
          set the stage for his future success.           adopted by the Board and currently the NJMPF has   to enhance and accelerate member participation in
                                                          appointed nine interns. When these contracts end,   the retirement funding arrangement is important,”
          Bongi joined the NJMPF over 15 years ago as a   new graduates are being appointed.              he explains.
          finance manager. He worked his way up the ranks
          and became chief financial officer, then deputy   Bongi also introduced  an initiative themed “NJMPF   Bongi lives by the motto: “We have to create the
          chief  executive  officer and finally chief executive   Spirit of uBuntu” to celebrate the lives of community   future we want rather than mourning the past we
          officer in 2019.                                members that are not as fortunate as everyone else.   could have had.” This reflects his proactive approach
                                                          When he launched this initiative, he celebrated a life   to leadership and his commitment to shaping a
          When Bongi took over as CEO, he committed to    well lived for all NJMPF centenarians – Covid-19 survival   better future for NJMPF and the broader community.
          improving members’ financial literacy especially   packs and hampers were prepared and personally   His story serves as an inspiration for others to dream
          having had first-hand experience of how financial   hand delivered by his communications team. He also   big, work hard, and never lose sight of their purpose
          illiteracy contributed to some of the challenges his   identified  beneficiaries  living  with  disabilities  who   as they strive to make a positive impact on the world
          community faced when he was growing up.  The    collect a monthly pension from NJMPF.           around them.
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