Page 19 - KZN Top Business LEADERS-eBook
P. 19


                   ayne Beekman is a second-generation    focusing on creatively growing and expanding it   methods for team communication, including
                   director of the Beekman Group, a       into new areas.”                                WhatsApp for instant updates, phone calls, and a
                   family business with deep roots on the                                                 monthly newsletter that highlights achievements
         Wlower south coast of KwaZulu-Natal.             Among his many achievements, Wayne is especially   and updates. These tools enable the team to stay
          Born in Johannesburg,  Wayne’s family relocated   proud of modernising the resort experience by   informed, motivated, and aligned with company
          to Amanzimtoti when he was young, later settling   being involved in digitising the resorts, adding   goals.
          permanently on the  South Coast.  The Beekman   unique experiences and attractions. He explains,
          Group has grown and evolved from its headquarters   “This includes things like kids’ apps, digital butlers,   SOMETHING REMARKABLE
          in Port Shepstone. Wayne and his wife are happy   and even an in-resort radio station that informs   Wayne’s inspiration comes from both family and
          to be raising their family right where the family   guests of events and activities.  We have an app   colleagues. “My father is a big inspiration,” he shares.
                                                          with an entertainment schedule, and I would say it’s
          business began.
                                                          helped to really modernise the holiday offerings.”   “He, along with his brother, started this business
          Reflecting on his journey,  Wayne shares how his   Through these initiatives, Wayne sees the potential   from the ground up, and despite the raw challenges
          early work experience shaped his understanding   of technology to enhance customer experience.  they faced, they built something remarkable.”
          of commitment, and the work ethic required in a                                                 Reflecting on their many accomplishments fuels
          family business. His first job, interestingly, was as a   OPEN AND TRANSPARENT                  his own dedication to the business, and he also
          lifeguard during his school years. “I’ve always loved   In a family business, Wayne has found that openness   draws motivation from his fellow directors. “We’ve
          the ocean – bodyboarding, fishing, anything to do   is essential. The best piece of advice he’s received,   achieved a  lot together,  and  seeing the  results of
          with the sea – so lifeguarding was a great way for me   he shares, is: ‘to be open about any issues’. Family   our efforts as a team drives me forward.”
          to be on the beach and make some pocket money   businesses often involve an extra layer of complexity
          at the same time,” he recalls. Later, he spent nearly a   and addressing concerns as they arise rather than   The future of the Beekman Group is firmly rooted
          year in London, working as a games’ tester for Sega,   letting them fester is crucial. Wayne and his fellow   in KwaZulu-Natal. “We’re firmly based in KZN, and
          but eventually, the call of home and family business   directors maintain an open line of communication,   that’s not changing,” Wayne states. “Our head office
          brought him back to South Africa’s coast.       resolving issues promptly and fostering a culture   is here, and the majority of our staff are here. We
                                                          of transparency. “Working in a family business can   currently have the largest staff complement we’ve
          Wayne commented,  “Joining the family business   have its challenges, and it’s essential to discuss   ever had since the business began. It’s continuing to
          wasn’t always my intention. Growing up, the     issues as they arise instead of letting them build up,”   grow, which is very promising.”
          possibility was always in the back of my mind   Wayne explains.
          because so much of our life revolved around the                                                 With  exciting  plans  ahead,  the  Beekman  Group  is
          company, but ending up being a part of it wasn’t a   Wayne acknowledges the challenge of balancing   exploring  new  development  opportunities  up  the
          given. However, once I did get involved in 2000, I’ve   personal and professional roles within the business.   North Coast and is planning a major refurbishment
          been committed ever since.”                     “The biggest challenge in a family business is   of Umhlanga Cabanas, aiming to introduce a novel
                                                          separating personal feelings from professional   holiday experience in South Africa. “That project is
          Today, Wayne is one of four directors together with   ones,” he reflects. “When family is involved, there’s   particularly exciting for us as it’s a South African first
          his father, his cousin Neville, and his sister Cindy,   often a lot of emotion in the mix. He added, “The   for a holiday resort,” he shares.
          each managing distinct areas within the group’s   best piece of advice that has stood the test of time
          diverse business portfolio. Wayne’s responsibilities   is to be open about any issues. Don’t ignore them or   Guided by a life motto, Wayne aims to ‘live in the
          include overseeing information technology (IT)   brush them aside − address them directly. It’s about   now’. “It sounds a bit clichéd, but life moves so fast,”
          marketing, resort development, and the customer   having honest discussions with the other directors   he says with a smile.  “My twin boys are already
          journey. He explained, “We each have our own focus,   and resolving issues before they have a chance to   twelve, and before I know it, they’ll be grown up
          but we work closely to steer the business forward.”  fester. It takes courage, but openness is key.”  and moving on. “It’s about living in the moment and
                                                                                                          valuing what you have right now, while you’re still
          Wayne’s role is deeply connected to preserving his   Motivating their teams is another aspect of   on the journey.”
          family’s legacy. He shared, “Being a family business,   Wayne’s role that he considers essential to success.
          there’s a strong commitment to upholding  the   “Communication is key for us,” Wayne says. “With a   Wayne Beekman embodies a dedication to legacy,
          family legacy − the blood, sweat, and tears that   business like ours, there is always a lot going on, and   family, and growth, making a meaningful impact on
          went into building it. It’s about maintaining    keeping everyone informed can be a challenge, but   his community and industry from the lower South
          the solid foundations it was built on while also   it’s crucial.” The Beekman Group relies on various   Coast of KwaZulu-Natal.
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