Page 14 - KZN Business Sense 7.7 ebook
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        Dr Fareed Amod, Crown Dental Studio  and yeast infections of the mouth.   flossing – even mouthwash – only
                                                                    covers up the odour. The odour
                                        A dry mouth can cause bad   will not disappear until the food
               orace Jackson Brown    breath. Saliva is necessary to   has passed through your body’s
               Jr. an American author   moisten the mouth, neutralise   digestive system. Other foods
        Hbest known for his           acids produced by plaque,     that can cause bad breath include
        inspirational book, Life’s Little   and wash away dead cells that   cheese, certain spices, orange
        Instruction Book, which was a   accumulate on the tongue, gums,   juice or soda, alcohol, and coffee.
        New York Times bestseller, says,   and cheeks. If not removed,
        ‘If someone offers you a breath   these cells decompose and can   Poor Habits Cause Bad Breath
        mint, accept it." This may be a   cause bad breath. Dry mouth
        polite way of saying that your   may also be a side effect of   In order to promote fresh breath,
        breath needs some attention.   various medications, salivary   you need to brush and floss teeth
                                      gland problems, or continuous   daily with a fluoride toothpaste.
          Bad breath, medically known   breathing through the mouth.   Food particles can remain in your
        as halitosis, happens when a                                mouth, promoting bacterial and
        noticeable unpleasant breath    Other diseases and illnesses that   plaque growth on and between
        odour is present. Bad breath can   can cause bad breath, include:  teeth, around the gums, and   gums as well as reduce your   the foods you eat for your dentist
        result from poor dental habits or   ■   Seasonal allergies  on the tongue, which causes an   ability to taste foods.    to review. Similarly, make a list of
        could be a sign of other health   ■   Respiratory tract infections    odour. If you can’t brush after a   From a dietary view, drink   the medications you take as these
        problems. In addition, bad breath     such as pneumonia or    meal, give your mouth a good   lots of water which will keep   may create mouth odours.
        can be made worse by some of the     bronchitis             rinse with water to loosen up the   your mouth moist. Chewing
        foods that you eat and/or other   ■   Long-term (chronic) sinus    trapped food bits. It’s important                     However, book an appointment
        unhealthy practices. You can take     infections            to use floss or an interdental   sugarless gum or sucking on   as soon as possible if:
                                                                                                  sugarless candy also stimulates
        measures to prevent and treat   ■   Postnasal drip          cleaner to remove food particles   the production of saliva that helps   ■   Your bad breath has been
        halitosis at home as well as with   ■   Diabetes            and plaque between teeth once a   wash away food particles and     persistent and has lasted more
        the help of your dentist or doctor.  ■   Chronic acid reflux  day. Rinsing with an antibacterial   bacteria. Eating more fruits and     than a few days
                                      ■   Gastrointestinal issues   mouthwash twice a day may     vegetables and less meat will help   ■   The odour is quite noticeable or
        Health Problems                                             further assist to remove any                                  concerning
                                      ■   Chronic lung infection                                  keep your teeth cleaner. Adding a
          The primary way to recognise   ■   Liver or kidney problems  bacteria present.          probiotic or a daily cup of yogurt   ■   You have pain in your mouth,
        a bad breath problem is in the                               Bacteria and food particles   to your health routine will also     bleeding, or sore gums 
        smell. You may notice the bad   Stress, excessive dieting, snoring   can also cause bad breath   promote gut health, which can
        odour yourself, or someone you   and hormonal changes can also   if dentures are not properly   affect your breath.     Crown Dental Studio is one of the few
        know may tell you. However, you   affect your breath.       cleaned. Dentures should be                                 truly 24-hour dental practises in Durban
                                                                                                                                as this is not limited to emergency
        may not realise that continual bad                          removed at night and cleaned   Professional Care            dentistry treatment.
        breath or a bad taste in the mouth   Food and Breath        thoroughly before being        Visit your dentist regularly,
        may be a warning sign of cavities,   The food you eat starts to be   placed in your mouth the next                      T: +27 (0)81 207 8621
        gum (periodontal) disease or   broken down in your mouth. As   morning. In addition, braces   at least twice a year, for an oral   E:
                                                                                                  exam and professional teeth
        dental abscesses. Other symptoms   the food particles are absorbed   and retainers should be cleaned   cleaning. They will be able to find
        that may be associated with bad   into your bloodstream, they   as directed. Furthermore,   problems that may cause bad
        breath are sore gums, bleeding   move to the lungs, affecting the   smoking or chewing tobacco-
        or swollen gums and toothache.   air you exhale. If you eat foods   based products can cause bad   breath and advise on treatment
                                                                                                  options for fresher breath. You
        Bad breath may also be caused   with strong odours such as   breath, stain teeth, irritate your   make consider keeping a log of
        by badly fitting dental appliances   garlic or onions, brushing and

                                                                    THREE REASONS TO GRAB A BOWL

                                                                    OF GRANOLA

                                                                            any people mistakenly   to make it snazzy; used in a   CRUNCH offers three enticing
                                                                            associate the birth of   smoothie to bulk it up; or added   flavours:
                                                                    Mgranola with the hippies     to your muffin or pancake batter   ■   BOOST made with real honey
                                                                    of the ‘60s and ‘70s. In more   for added texture and crunch.     that combines energy, fibre
                                                                    recent times, the word ‘granola’   Why not sprinkle a handful over     and selected minerals; iron and
                                                                    has become slang terminology for   your salad for a chef’s touch? Or     magnesium
                                                                    people who live a health-focused   use it on top of your veggie bake   ■   VITALITY made with real
                                                                    lifestyle and are environmentally   instead of breadcrumbs. You can     berries and fruit pieces that
                                                                    conscious. However, the first   even add some granola to your     combines the benefits of fibre
                                                                    granola was developed in 1863 by   biscuit batter to spice things up.    and probiotics
                                                                    Dr Caleb Jackson, the director of   2.  Convenient: Granola can be
                                                                    what we would nowadays refer   enjoyed on the run as a delicious,   ■   RENEW made with real cocoa
                                                                    to as a health spa. Jackson was   dry snack – just grab a handful     that combines fibre and selected
                                                                    an outspoken vegetarian, which   to munch on as you run out the     minerals; copper, selenium and
                                                                    was very rare in those days, and   door. You can also make your     zinc
                                                                    granola was his healthier, simpler                           Angela adds that the
                                                                    alternative to a cooked breakfast.  own trail mix by adding nuts and   FUTURELIFE® GRANOLA
                                                                                                  dried fruit to the granola, decant
                                                                     Head Dietician for           it into small containers and pop it   CRUNCH range offers crunchy
                                                                    FUTURELIFE® Angela Leach says   into your bag or car for the days   goodness for the whole family.
                                                                    that today granola is generally   you get the munchies or forget   “It is perfect for anyone over four
                                                                    high in energy and fibre, but that’s   your lunch at home.  years of age, active kids, the elderly,
                                                                    not all! She offers three more   3.  Tasty: Granola not only   busy executives, active individuals
                                                                    reasons to add granola to your   boasts crunch and texture, but   and vegetarians. And, with a
                                                                    everyday diet:                                              little creativity, FUTURELIFE®
                                                                                                  it is also tasty too! Plus, if you   GRANOLA CRUNCH can even
                                                                    1.  Versatile: Granola can be   choose a box of FUTURELIFE®   be the magic ingredient to help you
                                                                    enjoyed in so many ways! Gone   GRANOLA CRUNCH you will     whip up some delicious recipes.”  
                                                                    are the days of simply being a   be spoilt with choice when it
                                                                    boring breakfast cereal in a box –   comes to flavour and benefits!   For more information visit,
                                                                    granola can be added to yoghurt   FUTURELIFE® GRANOLA

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