Page 24 - KZN Business Sense 3.4
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            Business Chambers Council


                      Musa Makhunga,  that to a large degree issues which   to do this. Partly because everyone     As indicated above, this is also   day simply because they are le
                      Managing Director -  could be avoided end up   takes it for granted that everyone   very true even for nation states.    open to dierent interpretations.
                      HR Matters (Pty) Ltd  exploding into huge controversies   should just know, understand, use   e latest developments in the US
                                      resulting in strife, anguish and all   common sense and gure out   ranging from climate change to      Failure to hold structured
                                      sorts of negativity, simply because   what and how to go about doing   the Charlottesville incidents   conversations that matter results
                                      we don't take time out to converse   something. Oen this is dicult   resulting in key people quiting   in very shallow decisions and
                                      with one another.              also because it is unnatural for   critical Presidential Advisory   short-lived successes.
                                                                     many people to raise issues in an   Councils are a case in point. is   Organisations prone to this oen
                                        In my type of work, I come   adult-to-adult manner.         happens a lot where people feel   nd themselves sliding easily into
                                      across this almost all the time                               there was a denite lack of   dysfunctional conicts that are
                                      when I work with teams seeking to     By the way, confronting issues in   empathy in dealing with matters   otherwise avoidable.
                                      organise, plan, coordinate, control   my view is dierent from having a   of mutual interest.  Writing in the
                                      and lead better. Working through   conversation. e former is oen   New York Times, 19 August 17,     Conversations grounded in
        C    onversation leadership   barriers, challenges and factors   very one way, which may involve   David Gelles, notes that “the   leadership are visionary, ethical,
                                      causing frustrations, low
                                                                     simply stating facts, feelings, views
                                                                                                                                  development oriented, innovative,
                                                                                                    nation (American) has split into
             keeps on forcing its way
                                      productivity and causing
                                                                                                    political tribes, the culture wars
                                                                                                                                  positive and forward looking
                                                                     and or responding to these
             into my thoughts as I
        consider what I should write   misalignment, one can’t help but   without really engaging   are back”. is conrms the view   resulting in clarity of function,
                                      notice that people do not hold
                                                                                                                                  form and behavioural norms,
                                                                                                    held that in the absence of
                                                                     meaningfully on the matter at
        about. I think this is so because I
        am reluctant to add to the plethora   conversations that matter. Don't   hand. e latter, however seeks to   meaningful engagement, which is   which become sacrosanct to those
        of fads on leadership such as   get me wrong people do talk,   say let’s engage assertively with   what conversation leadership is all   involved. It easy to just do things
                                                                                                    about, people become exclusive in
                                                                     one another, thus opening
                                      actually there is a lot of talking
                                                                                                                                  without engaging in conversations
        ethical, thought, visionary   which I take as talking about   ourselves to mutual inuence   their view and approach of the   as it is only natural to do so.
        leadership and many others as if   everything but less about that   which could mean even changing   world, which without doubt   Unfortunately as explained
        leadership was many things to
        many people, when it is not. For   which matters.            a position you may have entered   negates every value, which may   already, doing so does not result
        me leadership is when leaders and     Conversation leadership is   the conversation on.     have once helped the centre to   in long term, and sustainable
                                                                                                                                  solutions. Conversation
        their collaborators inuence one   about making a conscious     Leadership conversations ought                            Leadership requires a genuine
        another to higher levels of   decision to say let’s identify that   to be inclusive in their nature and     Conversation leadership   desire to be inclusive in both word
        motivation and development in
        pursuit of a common purpose.     which matters to us, decide on   result in a more cohesive   provides organisations with an   and deed, which can only be
                                      why it not the other, when and   coexistence as opposed to    opportunity to clarify and    achieved through investing time,
                                      how this will be handled, who to   encouraging enclaves of one sort   articulate the game plan, rules for   energy and other resources to
          Why then do I want to talk   drive it and how would progress   or another. Nowhere do you see   playing the game, which ensures   accomplish.
        about conversation and leadership   be assessed. is sounds very   lack of conversation leadership as   that a common language is
        in the same sentence, one may ask.                                                                                        T:  083 2516704
        It is because upon reecting on a   simple, doesn't it? In reality   in our own society through   developed and used which in turn
        number of challenges confronting   though for expediency or other   growing racial, gender, class and   removes the risk of potentially
                                      reasons individuals, teams,
                                                                     related polarisations be it at places
                                                                                                    incorrect misinterpretations.
        us at individual, team,       organisations, communities, and   of learning, worship, public   Oen good policies and
        organisation, community and   even nation states nd it dicult   spaces, or on social media.    programmes don't see the light of
        even nation state levels, one nds
                   Xoli Shabalala is a Director at Tongaat Hulett Developments and iLembe Chamber Board Member
        What were your biggest fears   have an inquisitive mind, am   growth and development. ey
        embarking on breaking into an   adaptable and have resilience.  have taught me many work and
        industry?                                                    life lessons but most importantly
          My greatest fear has always been   Do you have a motto?    to trust my instincts. I believe in
        to fail. I have recently leant to     It’s a bit of a cliché but my motto   lifelong learning and I
        accept that there will be failures   has always been “Live life to the   continuously seek guidance from
        along the way and that failure is   Full, Live with No Regrets”.   those that have walked the road.
        very necessary for my personal
        growth. What’s important is to   How do you manage stress?   Are there any life dening
        draw lessons and to grow from     Road running. I’ve recently   moments that contributed to
        those experiences.            joined a social running club in my   your choosing the industry you
                                      neighbourhood. I nd that      are in, or inspired you to make
        What advice would you give    running helps clear my mind.   decisions?
        other women wanting to take the                                Aer spending ve years in
        leap into a business or industry,   Any advice on how to reconcile   Pretoria at the National Treasury, I
        which traditionally does not   work/motherhood?              was looking to relocate to Durban.
        feature women as prominent      I’m not a mother yet, but I am a   I was fortunate to be called for an
        industry leaders?             wife. ere is a quote I came   interview at Tongaat Hulett
          is is our time! Being in the   across that read” you can’t do a   Developments where my career in
        property industry, it has been   good job if your job is all do”.   property began. Since joining the
        encouraging to see the growth in   us, my success as a wife is   company over two years ago, I
        women participation across the   important for my success at work.   have grown tremendously. is is
        property value chain. It is   To achieve this, I make conscious   primarily attributable to the
        important that as women we    choices daily to spend meaningful   dynamic learning environment
        continuously rethink our roles in   time with my family.     within Tongaat Hulett and the
        the industry and to strategically                            invaluable exposure I have
        position ourselves to ensure that   Do you have any mentors? How   received through serving in the
        we remain relevant in this    has their inuence shaped your   iLembe Chamber of Commerce.
        fast-changing environment.    decisions? What did you learn
                                      from them?                     What is the best piece of advice
        What are the top three strengths     ere are a number of women   you’ve received in life?
        in your personality, that you   and men that have been         “Your greatest competitive
        believe helped you succeed in   instrumental in my journey. Some   advantage is that there is no one
        business?                     have actively, and others      else like you. So, be yourself.”
          My three strengths are that I   unknowingly, contributed to my

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