Page 103 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2021/22- eBook
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for an item / frame to set. Applications that may Quality Assurance
require Chemsol’s solvent-based adhesives are wood- Chemsol’s motto is to engage in the production, testing
working, furniture manufacturing, and PVC piping and training of adhesives and speciality chemicals
and sheeting. while providing intellectual support in all sectors of its
The manufacturing processes in the woodworking business and to their partners. This approach enables
industry calls for adhesives that are efficient, process the company to concentrate on the latest product and
reliable, flexible, and durable and that meet very process developments.
stringent ecological standards. Equal in versatility and The laboratory monitors and continues to keep the
matching these high standards are the adhesives from specifications of products to the best quality with
SA Adhesives. stability and manufacturing practicality. It is pivotal
Decades of experience and industry knowledge in for the raw materials suppliers to issue the relevant
the field of food dyes, reactive dyes, leather dyes and approval specifications. Chemsol Adhesives products
pigments endow SA Adhesives to reach its targets of are registered with the National Regulator for
value, quality, and commitment. compulsory specifications. The company is ISO quality
accredited and is currently in process of acquiring the
Chemsol is committed to establishing and maintaining FDA ISO accreditation.
itself as a leading supplier of industrial detergents and Chemsol Adhesives treats quality as a pledge and
work towards achieving it in all ways possible. In order
Team Approach to maintain the quality, stability, and performance of
One particular strength of Chemsol Adhesives is its Chemsol products, they undergo stringent quality
people and their ability to work across many industries checks at various levels of production.
in the engineering of adhesive, detergent, and dye Chemsol Adhesives is a signatory to responsible care
applications for the company’s customers. Chemsol and waste management systems which monitors the
Adhesives believes in complete teamwork, which is the safe use of resources. Furthermore, the company is
basis for the success of the enterprise. committed to the preservation of the environment.
Chemsol Adhesives’ aim is to provide excellent Orange Foundation
customer service and reliability by empowering and The years 2020 and 2021 were certainly a journey
encouraging its employees to always do their best. The of many challenges and lessons. The pandemic has
company supports its employees by providing further opened the window to many opportunities including
education with the goal to improve their standards of being more creative and self-sufficient. In these
living. Consequently, the employees acquire their daily difficult times, the plastic division has increased
performance outcomes with the proper mindsets to capacity and acquired many more customers for the
build suppliers’ and customers’ trust, which are within supply of plastic packaging.
the parameters of sound business ethics.
In addition, with the exponential growth of the plastics
As such Chemsol Adhesives has received numerous division, the ‘Orange Foundation’ was born. This is a
awards for their outstanding customer service, non-profit organisation that supports feeding schemes
excellent product quality and continuous innovations. to underprivileged homes and schools. 101