Page 93 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2021/22- eBook
P. 93
Stripping Eucalyptus bark
Pulpwood - Hardwood timber destined for pulpwood
GROWERS TO MARKETS is NCT’s predominant product, sold into various wood
NCT Forestry (NCT) is a timber co-operative catering chipping plants. In some instances, NCT also markets
to the marketing needs of private and independent timber to local corporate pulp and paper markets.
timber growers and subscribes to the seven co- Wood chips - NCT supplies timber into its two wholly-
operative principles: owned facilities in Richards Bay and Durban that
export wood chips to Japan, China, Taiwan and India.
Voluntary and open membership The mills place a significant portion of South African
Democratic member control timber resources in an excellent position to access
Member economic participation overseas markets. This, in turn, contributes to better
Autonomy and independence pricing and financial returns for the private South
Education, training and information African timber grower.
Co-operation among co-operatives
Concern for community Biofuel - NCT has limited access to international
biofuel markets.
NCT is recognised as an international supplier of
quality round wood timber, hardwood pulpwood chips Non-pulpwood - NCT offers its members the
and is the largest forestry marketing organisation in opportunity to trade their non-pulp round log timber
southern Africa. into a host of financially secure non-pulp market
options - saw timber, treated poles, mining timber,
As a co-operative, its members who share in profits, own charcoal markets. Its network of registered non-pulp
NCT. Today membership stands at 1 600 shareholding round log markets covers the three main timber-
members, representing a total area of over 300 000ha growing areas in South Africa: Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-
- 21% of afforested land in South Africa. Natal and the Eastern Cape.
NCT’s core area of management and operation covers Forest certification
the province of KwaZulu-Natal. Demand for NCT’s
service, however, has resulted in its sphere of influence NCT has been Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)
extending to the Eastern Cape, Mpumalanga, Limpopo - certified as a group manager since 1999. 37% of
and Swaziland. timber marketed by NCT is sourced from FSC-certified
plantations. The remaining 63% is obtained from
SERVICES OFFERED TO MEMBERS sources that comply with the FSC controlled wood
Marketing - Develop and source new pulpwood and requirements. The complexity and costs of managing
round wood timber markets (domestic and inter- plantations under the FSC system precludes many
national) for members. smaller operations from achieving certification. To
Tree farming - Manage plantations on behalf of land- address this issue, NCT has been active in developing
owners and NCT owned farms. an alternate certification system, Sustainable African
Forest Assurance Scheme (SAFAS). This scheme has
Logistics - Negotiate the best road and rail contracts been internationally endorsed by the Programme for
on behalf of members and stockpile round wood the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and is
timber at strategically located depots. being rolled out to members.
Harvesting - Advise on best harvesting methods and Quality management
the appointment of harvesting contractors.
NCT obtained ISO (International Organisation for
Silviculture - Advise on best operating practices Standardisation) certification in 2001 & holds ISO
and the best species to plant dictated by site and 9001:2015 certification for quality management
market requirements. systems at its head office. 91