Page 3 - KZN Business Book Vol.3 No.2
P. 3


            Business Chambers Council

                                                                        Founded in April 2004, SmartXchange is a not-for prot organisation
                                                                        that was established to transform the media, information and
                                                                        communication technology and electronics (MICTe) industry in
                                                                        South Africa, and assist in developing MICTe skills for economic growth.
                                                                        Led by CEO Jonathan Naidoo, an economist by profession and previously
                                                                        COO of Trade and Investment KZN, SmartXchange is well-placed to
                                                                        deliver against this brief, with a strategic focus on innovation, growth
                                                                        and development, SMME development, Black Economic Empowerment
                                                                        and the support of
                                                                        existing and new
                                                                        local solutions.

        J  onathan Naidoo is passionate   Secondly, SmartXchange has   our lives in the future. An
                                      developed  powerful strategic
                                                                     example is driverless cars of the
           about the work that the
           SmartXchange is doing to
                                                                     insurance industry?”
        promote the development of    partnerships with government and   future – how will this aect the
                                      the private sector. irdly, the
        entrepreneurs in the MICTe    commitment and dedication of the
        sector. He says that he is extremely   SMMEs is essential. “If they don’t     Naidoo added that the lack of
        focused on what he wishes the   give us good results then we don’t   new ideas is a serious challenge
        organisation to achieve and has   look good”, commented Naidoo.  because he has plenty of money
        always maintained a visionary                                to put behind great ideas. He
        outlook. is approach is very     However, Naidoo says that he   said, “I get disappointed when I
        necessary in order to remain   currently has two serious     put out a call every quarter and I
        relevant in the innovation space.   challenges.              get on average on 30 applicants.
        Naidoo said, “e ongoing                                     We have no quota system but are
        exposure to the vibey and fantastic     “e one area that I need to   only able to shortlist 30 percent
        ideas of these young entrepreneurs   have greater impact on is women   of the applicants and on average   and service providers are  to have a global foot print.
        is very exciting and provides   in ICT. I currently have only a 28   only 10 percent of the original   necessary components of the   However, innovations in
        momentum to the management of   percent representation of women   applicants are successful. He said   economy they oen have low   technology are only one aspect of
        the day to day business.”     on ICT programmes and it is not   further, “Government has incen-  prot margins. SMMEs also need   the solution. “We also require
                                      good enough. e reasons for this   tives in place for startups to grow   to ensure that they have a broad   people to develop smart attitudes.
          While he enjoys operating a not   low gure are dicult to discern.   and for SMMEs to be incubated   client base in order to avoid being   We need smart minded people
        for prot organisation, he says that   When you look at the university   and we need to encourage   a high risk company in the event   who are able to deliver the ‘wow’
        sustainability is always top of   classes they are on average 60   participation. We can’t complain   of the loss of key clients. is is   factor. We need those people who
        mind. Careful attention need to be   percent women students. Part of   that there is a lack of resources.”   especially apparent when  are able to give me bad news with
        paid to the budget. We don’t take   SmartXchange’s strategy is to have                      companies are over dependent on   a smile and who are able to go the
        equity forward into new projects   road shows for university students     As a consequence  government contracts, which are   extra mile and make me feel good
        and always have to put our best   and we make a passionate appeal   SmartXchange has introduced   at times not renewed at the end of   even if there are challenges,” said
        foot forward. e introduction of   to them that their degree should   design thinking classes as a   the service delivery agreement.  Naidoo.
        Kings IV has been invaluable as it   not only be completed for the   forerunner of the creation of a
        has helped to develop realistic   labour market. eir degree   system that will encourage     In the future Naidoo would like     In conclusion, said Naidoo,
        strategies to counter potential   should oer them opportunities to   innovative thinking. While   to see the SmartXchange model   “SMMEs are a formula for success,
        hurdles that could come at the   be an entrepreneur. at is my   SmartXchange’s mandate is to   being duplicated. He said, “It is a   but they require hard work, a little
        expense of sustainability. Said   message to all students but most   assist and grow ICT companies,   mature organisation, which is easy   bit of luck and faith in God, then
        Naidoo, “You make sure that you   strongly to the female students   this should not be perceived as an   to duplicate, has learnt good   the reward will come.” When not
        have plans of actions in place to   because we need them in ICT.   end itself but as a platform on   lessons and has the potential to be   at work Naidoo enjoys the
        address issues that could arise − to   ey are great thinkers and we   which entrepreneurs are able to   adopted as a national model.”    outdoors, including trail hiking,
        guarantee your board that you will   need to understand what the   build innovative products. Said   SmartXchange has been visited by   gardening, golng and shing. He
        be sustainable.” He added, “We are   impediments are to them  Naidoo, “Our job is to help   international visitors, including a   says, “Gardening is therapy as with
        also excited that this model for   becoming entrepreneurs.   entrepreneurs build condence, to   delegation from Abu Dhabi as well   the entrepreneurs, you plant seeds,
        best practice comes from South                               start up their business and watch   as the Belfast Council; both of   nurture and watch them grow and
        Africa.”                        My second challenge is to    them grow.”                    which were impressed by the best   then enjoy the fruits of your
                                      encourage people to come up with                              practice being implemented.   labour.”
          Naidoo says that SmartXchange’s   great ideas. We need to nd     Naidoo’s personal vision would
        success has been made possible   solutions jointly. What     be to see SMMEs moving from a     Another of  Naidoo’s  passions is
        through three key elements.   traditionally was a crazy idea   focus on business support and   for innovation to contribute to the
        Firstly, he has the backing of   could be a great solution. Many of   resellers to innovators of great   development of ‘Smart African
        motivated sta and a highly   our current solutions are going to   products, which result in high   Cities’.  He said that South Africa
        supportive board and patrons.   disruptive to the way that we live   growth companies. While resellers   has the potential to be a leader and

       A     s part of a collaboration   the long-term sustainability of   connecting businesswomen with   Manguzi and Port Shepstone - in   programme comprises a two-day

                                      SMMEs in the province.
                                                                     mentors who have the knowledge
                                                                                                    growing their businesses.
             between Ithala
                                                                                                                                  entrepreneurial expo aimed at
             Development Finance
                                                                     businesses to the next level.
                                                                                                                                  co-operatives, youth and women.
        Corporation and the                Phase one of “Imbokodo    and expertise to elevate their       “Monthly meetings between   rural and township SMMEs,
        Businesswomen’s Association of   Iyazenzela” involved a series of                           mentors and mentees are held to
        South Africa (BWSA), the Top 20   informative breakfast workshops     “e partnership with Ithala has   develop strengths, address key      In the past three years, Ithala
        nominees in the “Imbokodo     held across KZN over a three-  enabled us to extend our reach to   issues and enable skills transfer.  has funded 684 business. e
        Iyazenzela” Women in SMMEs    month period. e programme     women in rural and township    A stringent reporting mechanism   organisation disbursed
        Awards 2016 were hosted at a   was piloted in 2015 and reached   areas through platforms that will   to track discussions and progress   R875 million, creating 7 917 jobs.
        business skills development   1 041 women in 16 towns.       enable true empowerment,” said   is administered online to promote   Women-owned enterprises
        workshop in Durban this week.                                Mpume Langa, BWASA Durban      growth and development and    comprise 28% of Ithala’s loan book
                                        e objective of phase two of   Chairperson.                 ensure business targets are   while youth businesses are 39%.
          “Imbokodo Iyazenzela” or    the campaign was to bring on                                  eectively achieved.”
        “Women doing it for themselves”   board strategic partners to assist     “By way of giving back to the                      For enquiries, call 031 907 8921 or email
        is one of three agship       with the business development   community, mentors from         In addition, inspirational
        programmes spearheaded by     needs of female entrepreneurs.   BWASA volunteer their time to   speakers will be joining Ithala in
        Ithala, KwaZulu-Natal’s provincial                           assist entrepreneurs - some of   its My Business Indaba, taking to
        development agency, to improve     e third phase is about   whom hail from afar as Jozini,   the road later this month. e

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